There’s a famous scene in Game of Thrones.Littlefinger says that knowledge is power, and Cersei responds by almost having him killed, and then making her personal guards do stupid guard tricks, to prove that actually, no — power is power. Put that into today’s context, with virtual workplaces and connections overpowering real life ones, Data is power.

It’s an increasingly valuable resource, a lot of it still untapped by AI which generates itself to infinite quantities, be it cryptocurrency or Data is also very easy to generate and transport with newer insights being gained from old data. Repurposing data lends itself to being a multipotentialite entity. And with its diverse applications in almost every imaginable field , environment conservation and sustainability isn’t left behind.
Quite a few companies and organizations are tapping into unchartered waters and finding ways to use data and insights to improve decision making for environment and related practices. One such Indian startup is Bluesky Analytics. Founded by Abhilasha Punwar, masters in Environmental management from Yale school of Forestry and Environmental studies and her brother. The company uses technology to sift through terabytes of data to provide historical, real-time and predictive environmental intelligence. Usable environment insights will enable people to take speedy as well as informed decisions reaping benefits in the long run. Ample and accessible data about earth and environment will optimize the capital and resource allocation. For example, knowing about the soil quality and type will help plan crops better. Their vision is to be Bloomberg for Environment Data.