Christ was born on December 25th
The Bible neither gives a specific date nor even a month for the same. It’s highly unlikely that Jesus could have been born on December 25th. The Bible mentions shepherds with their cattle grazing I the field during Jesus’s birth but it’s extremely cold in December in Bethlehem and nothing grows there then. Most scholars agree that Jesus was born sometime near the end of September based on biblical clues.
Xmas is sacrilegious
Many Christians view the removing have “Christ” out of Christmas as a sacrilege and replacing it with an X. But if you notice the word “Christ” in greek is written as “Χριστός.”. Chi is also written as an X in the roman alphabet so hence it is not wrong either.
Santa Claus or Father Christmas and St. Nicholas are synonyms
Saint Nicholas of Myra, also known as Nicholas of Bari or Nicholas the WonderWorker, was an early Christian bishop of Greek descent from the maritime city of Myra in Asia Minor during the time of the Roman Empire. He performed many miracles attributed to his intercession. While Santa Claus is a legendary character originating in Western Christian culture who is said to bring gifts to the homes of well-behaved children on the night of Christmas Eve or during the early morning hours of Christmas Day.

The little drummer boy
There is no Biblical interpretation of any kind of a drummer boy playing the drum as loudly as possible to baby Jesus.
Wishing “happy holidays” is wrong
If taken literally the word holiday means ‘holy day’. Celebrating the birth of Jesus is certainly holy and saying happy holidays definitely isn’t taking “Christ out of Christmas.”
Midnight Mass is at 0:0
The schedule is in fact quite flexible, some churches start the service at midnight while some start by 10 or 11 pm and end it by 12. Since 2009, the Pope has celebrated this Mass at 10:00 pm, and as a result, the official liturgical designation of these texts has been Mass during the Night since 2009. However, when the Mass does occur at midnight, it is still commonly called “Midnight Mass”.
Christmas cards are a tradition
It was a Victorian businessman who made the Christmas card an American tradition. People did not send Christmas cards before the idle of the 19th century.

Boxing day
People consider boxing day to be the day to box up all those presents you don’t want and return them to the shops. But actually, it began in the middle ages in the UK where churches would open their collection boxes and distribute money to the poor.
The three wise men
As per Matthew, “ magi” who are wise men not kings came from the east looking for the King of the Jews to Jerusalem bearing precious gifts for Jesus when he was born but it never mentions the number or names of the men. Also, the bible mentions Jesus being a young child not an infant at that time. Surprisingly there is no mention of Jesus sleeping in a manger in any of the religious literature.
People assume it to be “three” in number because there is a mention of three gifts – gold, frankincense and myrrh.
Christmas is the most important
No, its easter which lasts about two months and commemorates the rising of Jesus from the dead into the eternal life. Easter is so sacred as it celebrates the resurrection of the son of god and triumphs over death.
Jingle bells is a Christmas song
Though it is now one of the most loved Christmas songs out there it wasn’t initially meant to be. Originally titled One Horse Open Sleigh, It was initially written in the 1850s for American thanksgiving by composer James Lord Pierpont who penned it for his Sunday school class. The lyrics were later modified to fit Christmas.
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