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  • The orientation of career in our country

    by Aparajita Jaiswal The orientation of career in our country 1 June 2021 SOCIETY Advertisement Advertisement Why does India wish to be a Two faction system? Doctors and engineers. Indian society as is known to most of us shows complete dominance over the personal choices of individuals such as career choice, mental health, marriage decision, what should be done or not, opinions and whatnot. The preliminary infusion of career choice in our country is only limited to two professions. Either be a doctor or become an engineer, only then can a person’s life commemorate a moment of success. Although, in this case, we cannot blame the older generation or our ancestors for instilling us with this faction system. If we go back three decades, we could see that there were no such pressures on children to choose out of such choices. The primary reason was that at that time the financial condition of most people used to be very mediocre. They could barely manage the education and livelihood of their family. Thus noble professions such as being a doctor or engineer were a luxury then. The people chose the profession according to the status of their family. So, this economic issue was one of the barriers in earlier times to go for their dream path. The other reason that crippled people from going towards their dream job is nepotism. The notion that children should follow their parents footpath. These issues still stay in society on the metaphorical level. The point here is to understand that even though society is adamant in pressurizing people to change their choices, initially it had some valid and credible reasons as given above. Nepotism is wrong but anyhow the career path is for betterment. The economic reason however is the fault of the other consequences. These two things, although unfair, seem credible. But the fact that only two professions in the whole herd of it can make life successful is so wrong. The two faction system came into existence a decade back where industrialization seemed to uplift the job scale of engineers. Whereas the recent developments in medical sciences lured students to help save some lives. In the initial phase, it was okay, but then students flooded in for enrolling. This created issues for institutions as they had limited numbers of seats. This prompted the creation of a competitive examination. Some time period went smoothly after this. But later on, there was this race to clear these competitive exams to get admissions, which still prevails to this very day. This created a new Industry for the economy, the industry of coaching classes. The situation is such in the country now that everyone only talks about these two exams which either lead to a career in the medical field or the technical field. This has led to the lynching of other careers. In case anyone doesn’t go ahead on these two so-called noble professions, then they are expected to pursue civil services. These are the frameworks that society has lined up for careers, anyone going beyond this threshold value is stupid according to society. The reason is so uncertain for those activities, was it because earlier times they couldn’t pursue medical or engineering, is it because you want your child to leave their dream to pursue something that would make it socially acceptable, is it because you want to keep your dominion over your child all their lives, the reason is unknown. But one thing is sure that those two professions are not your only choices. it also should be known that those two entrances also work at some places to get a better bachelors college. They are not just tickets to medical or engineering. This hidden thing no one knows. No one knows that our country’s research institute also invite people from higher secondary into a BS-MS program. Everyone just gets dejected and chooses a local college for bachelors, and even after that, this doesn’t end. There is no proper cycling up of information regarding plans, masters entrances, etc. This shows that as a country we are not providing our youth with enough information but subjecting them to a bundle of discretion. Many youtube channels have started speaking about this, but as a society, we need to break out of these two factions. We have to understand the happiness of our children, one can paint, write, talk or dance as a career there should not be any indulgence. Even if people go for other professions equal respect should be paid to everyone. It must be known that diversity is the only thing that holds fast throughout all time, a faction system fails when catastrophe comes from all sides. Thus, be aware and make everyone aware. You have the potential to become whatever you want. SEARCH Women Empowerment A mere concept or a real Concern SOCIETY Looking Through The Excellence Of ‘Jaali’ Architecture SOCIETY Why the Gender Pay Gap is Wide and Disturbing SOCIETY Festival of Stones SOCIETY The Pygmalion Effect SOCIETY POPULAR POSTS Advertisement Advertisement By Anushka Sharma Uniting Voices, Shaping Futures: Dive Into Mun 2.0 At NIT Patna 8 September 2024 SOCIETY By Anushka Sharma These Healthy Habits Can Lower Your Risk Of Depression 31 August 2024 SOCIETY By Rini Pathak A Glance In The Kshitij’23: A Euphoric Escapade 26 January 2024 SOCIETY By Rini Pathak Mithibai Kshitij: Epitome Of Diverse Social Cause Empowerment 24 January 2024 SOCIETY RELATED POSTS

  • Fashion With Purpose: Meet Sunita T. Trakroo, The Influencer Making A Difference

    by Akshra Khandelwal Fashion With Purpose: Meet Sunita T. Trakroo, The Influencer Making A Difference 28 August 2023 FASHION Advertisement In the fashion world, where trends change as swiftly as the wind, Sunita T. Trakroo stands as a beacon of inspiration, defying conventional norms and leading toward a more sustainable and conscientious future. A flourishing career as an influencer, with an unwavering commitment to social and environmental causes, sets her apart as a force to be reckoned with in the industry. In an exclusive interview with our magazine, Sunita shared her thoughts on fashion, her proudest achievements, her dreams for the future, and her pearls of wisdom for aspiring creators and models. "For me, fashion means different things to different people," Sunita begins, her eyes reflecting her passion for the subject. "Some interpret it as a personal style, and some as following runway choices and trends. Fashion is an amalgam of all the options, and it lies somewhere in the middle; it varies from person to person." Indeed, Sunita's unique approach to fashion resonates with her vast audience, who find themselves drawn to her impeccable taste and deep-rooted values. "Fashion should never compromise our values or the planet," she firmly states. "It's not just about looking good; it's about feeling good in what you wear and knowing that your choices positively impact the world." As we delve into her portfolio of work, Sunita coyly mentions projects she is proud of, projects she cannot divulge due to their confidential nature. "It is super secret for me because of the hard work I have done for a few tasks, but the results are not announced yet," she laughs. However, her passion and dedication have yielded remarkable results as her presence in the fashion world continues to grow and captivate. Aside from her secret endeavors, Sunita shares some of her ongoing projects, including collaborations with five-star properties and fashion events. "I believe in making every experience luxurious and sustainable," she says. "It's essential to show the world that fashion and luxury can go hand in hand with eco-consciousness." But what sets Sunita apart from many influencers is her vision for the future. "The future is uncertain," she admits, "but I want to collaborate with some NGOs and social activists. I'm keen to work for social and natural processes like afforestation and 'No Plastic India.'" Her eyes light up with determination as she speaks about her desire to use her platform to positively impact the environment and society. "I love to travel, and Greece has simply taken my breath away," Sunita gushes when we ask her about her favorite destination. "I admire it most and love to explore Santorini. Of course, it is a small island, but all the views are picturesque and soothing." Her love for travel extends beyond leisure, as she often incorporates sustainable and ethical practices during her journeys, promoting eco-tourism and responsible travel among her followers. As we approached the end of our interview, we couldn't resist asking Sunita to share some pearls of wisdom for aspiring creators and models. Her response was both empowering and thought-provoking: "Well! To be very frank, we live on Earth, so we must save our environment, wildlife, marine life, and every living thing because we don't inhabit this planet alone. As creators and models, we have a tremendous responsibility to use our influence to advocate for positive change." Her words echo in our minds long after the interview, reminding us of the power of social media and fashion. Sunita T. Trakroo has not only redefined fashion but has redefined what it means to be an influencer. With her unwavering commitment to sustainability and social causes, she has proven that fashion can be a vehicle for positive change and style can coexist with substance. In the ever-changing world of fashion, where the spotlight often shines on extravagance and excess, Sunita's values and principles stand as a refreshing reminder that beauty can be found not just in aesthetics but in the soul of those who use their influence for the greater good. As she continues her journey of blending fashion, luxury, and sustainability, we can't help but be excited about her future. In this future, style and responsibility go hand in hand, and fashion becomes a force for positive transformation. SEARCH The Rich Heritage of Indian Handloom FASHION Fashion In The 19th Century FASHION Colour Psychology in Fashion: Explained FASHION The Influence Of Kanye West On Fashion FASHION K-Pop Fashion And Its Impact On Global Wardrobe FASHION POPULAR POSTS Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement By Anushka Sharma Dubai Fashion Week Day Five: Emerging Talents, Cultural Heritage, And Global Fashion Dialogues 14 September 2024 FASHION By Anushka Sharma Marina Ignjat: A Journey Through Style And Travel 13 September 2024 FASHION By Anushka Sharma Anaya Collection Unveils "Gaudí’s Reverie" At Dubai Fashion Week: A Fusion Of Love, Technique, And Playful Elegance 11 September 2024 FASHION By Anushka Sharma Hebajasmi Unveils Captivating New Collection For SS25: A Masterpiece Of Art And Fashion 10 September 2024 FASHION RELATED POSTS

  • Labels are to be stuck on goods, not on people

    by Aparajita Jaiswal Labels are to be stuck on goods, not on people 1 June 2021 SOCIETY Advertisement Advertisement Labels, growing up we’ve heard this word for over a thousand times, put the label on chart honey, the price is on the label sir, and many more diverse examples. The thing that we learned the hard way, was that those labels are also stuck on our bodies, our existence, and our whole selves. And the worst part is that these petty labels are stuck by someone else. Human society has an integral concept of putting labels on things they have no say in, things that they should not bother themselves with yet they do engage in this activity. The intrinsic need to have that much control over everything comes out of habit, out of the need to stay with one another in the early stages of human development. But, as time grew, and our bodies evolved and left these inseparable marks in the construct of societies. These labels are put on us right from the minute we are born, the minute our little bodies leave our mother’s safe womb there awaits the band of labels waiting to be stuck on our bodies. This band of labels prolifers into a herd as we grow up. The primary labels are divided into the binary gender system that society believes to be solely existing in this world. Being any of the two genders, there are expectations that our society has from us. A little girl must learn to be polite, silent, and obedient. A teenage girl must be an expert at cooking, staying away from a sparkling social life, and most importantly should be homebound. A woman on the other hand must be fostering every person in her family and should prioritize everyone above her. When they fail to perform even one of these expectations they are suddenly labeled as ungrateful, selfish, and self-centered. Little boys are taught that they should not cry, for crying is the virtue of a girl. Teenage boys are conditioned to choose a career path that could land them tons of money. A man on the other hand should be robust, they should be quick to change a tire at the roadside, they should take care of every financial need whatsoever. Similarly, when they fail to uphold these virtues that society has their tags to hook on you, labels to stick to your existence, and judgments to lay off. Men are called feminine, irresponsible, and a lot of other slangs challenging their manhood if they go against the architecture of societal emotions. The question arises in curious minds that why do these labels exist, why they have been nurtured over centuries, why these things were not removed when we got educated enough? The problem is when we evolved from our biological needs into functioning independent adults, there was always a trace of knowledge that was missing in our minds. All of these attributes that we were subjected to, once used to serve humans as their boat in this sea of life. The glitch is that they didn’t know we could swim through this ocean with our very own hands and legs. That this life is just an act of self-dependence was a very later discovery, until then damage was done. The man had developed an ego, status, and the fact that some people were going against the piece of information they sought was offensive to them. As a result, they started oppression of people they thought could go out of their hands. they specified everyone’s virtues as they pleased and decided labels to ascertain when people don’t obey. Their first target was to suppress women, as they in their sense knew what an epitome of power she is. The one who can create a seed of life can surely rebel against them and show the world the right way. And to stop men from supporting them in any way, they traced a set of tags. Tags so nascent that they will cease the support at once. This seems like a plausible explanation for all these things. Apart from these binary labels, many labels are stuck to our existence in certain specific situations and beliefs. The LGBTQ community is the first slap to their binary understanding. There had and is still prevailing an incessant urge to demolish their community as non-existent, that their orientation is just blurred and that it is against God’s creation that they are living this sinful life. The next is the labels given on the basis of Skin color, the whites are supposed to be the fairer and better race than the darker. Their supremacy has no logical explanation in any terms but these labels still haunt society to this very day. These realms of labels and tags don’t cease, it is present at the vibrance of variants in each specific society. A notion should be held on whether these are required, whether they leave a good impact on one’s mental health, etc. The answers to any of these questions do not go affirmatively. There must be understanding that these labels are downright suicidal to someone, suffocating to others, and mind-numbing to one. We should understand that we are no one to label one person, it’s not a diagram of the nervous system to be labeled but a human being’s mental health that we play along the lines. Thus, it is our duty as a society to be vigilant and responsible to a person. SEARCH Women Empowerment A mere concept or a real Concern SOCIETY Looking Through The Excellence Of ‘Jaali’ Architecture SOCIETY Why the Gender Pay Gap is Wide and Disturbing SOCIETY Festival of Stones SOCIETY The Pygmalion Effect SOCIETY POPULAR POSTS Advertisement Advertisement By Anushka Sharma Uniting Voices, Shaping Futures: Dive Into Mun 2.0 At NIT Patna 8 September 2024 SOCIETY By Anushka Sharma These Healthy Habits Can Lower Your Risk Of Depression 31 August 2024 SOCIETY By Rini Pathak A Glance In The Kshitij’23: A Euphoric Escapade 26 January 2024 SOCIETY By Rini Pathak Mithibai Kshitij: Epitome Of Diverse Social Cause Empowerment 24 January 2024 SOCIETY RELATED POSTS

  • The Influence Of Kanye West On Fashion

    by Priti Sharma The Influence Of Kanye West On Fashion 11 December 2022 FASHION Advertisement All of us are familiar with Kanye West's outrageous outbursts. Like when he climbed the stage and took Taylor Swift's microphone, or when he declared his intention to run for president in 2020. Although Kanye West has made several odd statements, he has had the greatest impact on modern fashion because of his distinct aesthetic from other rappers' aesthetics, his real effect on sneaker culture, and how rappers define masculinity as a whole. Rapper Kanye West stood out among others for his sense of style. Kanye used thinner clothing, whereas the majority of rappers before him had a more "thug"-like aesthetic. With the elegance of a bull in a Givenchy shop, Kanye West challenged the hip-hop fashion establishment. The self-described "slave to fashion" stood apart from his contemporaries when he first entered the rap industry in 2002. The Chicago MC deviated from the typical look of rappers, who were often dressed in tall tees, enormous sports jerseys, and baggy pants. Instead, he wore Ralph Lauren polo bears and backpacks. Although Kanye is not the first rapper to defy fashion conventions or wear pink, the Louis Vuitton Don paved a previously unheard-of road into the realm of high-end design. The multi-hyphenate has transformed into a respectable fashion hero thanks to stunts like his listening party/fashion show held at Madison Square Garden and connections with industry figures like Riccardo Tisci, Anna Wintour, and Phoebe Philo. However, this visionary's creativity goes beyond only introducing thinner fits to hip-hop. Since he persuaded youngsters to wear those godawful shutter sunglasses and ask their parents to purchase them Air Yeezys, Kanye's influence on the fashion world and the youth has been clear. With the ballerina-filled ingenuity of Runaway, he later exposed street youngsters to Phillip Lim on his own. Rap fans saw The Throne debut various Givenchy collaborations, including leather kilts and album artwork, demonstrating how individualism and creative expression triumph over outdated gender conventions. At Coachella, Kanye purposefully disregarded gender stereotypes by donning a women's Celine top, redefining masculinity in hip-hop. Of course, haters frequently question the rapper's sexuality because of the widespread homophobia in the genre. However, Kanye has never let criticism get to him. He is doing more than merely dispelling the erroneous link between sexual desire and skirts by dressing in gender-neutral attire. A$AP Rocky, Young Thug, and Jaden Smith are just a few of the expressive, progressive young musicians he is giving the world. Thugga has no qualms about saying that "90 percent of my clothing are women's," and Jaden celebrates gender fluidity in his most recent Louis Vuitton advertisements, thanks in part to Yeezy's creation of safe places for males to dress however the hell they want. Even rappers A$AP Rocky and Kendrick Lamar have acknowledged The Life of Pablo MC as having a significant influence on their sharply tailored clothing. Not to add, it's impossible to go five blocks in downtown NYC without seeing ten Yeezy impersonators. Even if some people don't like Kanye's so-called rants, he has a point when he says, "I am so credible, so important, and so relevant that I will alter things." And he has that. Regardless of how often his Yeezy designs are criticized, Kanye is a visionary with the ability to alter how people dress. Beyond the mic, he is amazing. He has become one of the most important people in the world of fashion because of his constant dominance in the fashion world. And, buddy, the youngsters are making notes. #KanyeWest #HipHop #Fashion #Rappers #Yeezy #LouisVuitton #Givenchy SEARCH The Rich Heritage of Indian Handloom FASHION Fashion In The 19th Century FASHION Colour Psychology in Fashion: Explained FASHION The Influence Of Kanye West On Fashion FASHION K-Pop Fashion And Its Impact On Global Wardrobe FASHION POPULAR POSTS Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement By Anushka Sharma Dubai Fashion Week Day Five: Emerging Talents, Cultural Heritage, And Global Fashion Dialogues 14 September 2024 FASHION By Anushka Sharma Marina Ignjat: A Journey Through Style And Travel 13 September 2024 FASHION By Anushka Sharma Anaya Collection Unveils "Gaudí’s Reverie" At Dubai Fashion Week: A Fusion Of Love, Technique, And Playful Elegance 11 September 2024 FASHION By Anushka Sharma Hebajasmi Unveils Captivating New Collection For SS25: A Masterpiece Of Art And Fashion 10 September 2024 FASHION RELATED POSTS

  • 5 Places To Visit In Iceland On Your First Trip

    by Yashi Srivastava 5 Places To Visit In Iceland On Your First Trip 20 February 2023 TRAVEL Advertisement Advertisement When we talk about dreams, what is the first place that comes to your mind? Is it encircled with stunning landscapes, pristine lakes, divine mountain peaks, and ancient castles? If yes, then Iceland travel should be a part of your bucket list. This magnificent island is lush with inexplicable natural beauty, mind boggling travel routes, and thrilling adventures, which alone makes it worth a visit. Now that it is on your bucket list, you must know that there are an extravagant number of places to visit in Iceland. And we have saved you quite a lot of time by rounding off the top 10 Iceland tourist attractions for your first ever trip! So, let’s not waste any more time and find out the best places to visit in Iceland on your first trip. Vatnajökull Glacier: Remember the place where Elsa and her sister (from the Disney movie Frozen) lived? Well, if you do then this is one place that will leave you awestruck. Vatnajökull Glacier is a world made of ice. It is best known for its mystical caves that are constantly shifting their existence from one place to another. Thus, it is advisable for the first-time visitors to hire a guide before entering this winter wonderland. This maze-like formation is Europe’s largest glacier and also covers more than 8% of the entire area of the entire country. Soak yourself in the adventurous vibe of this place and do not forget to click pictures! Best time to visit: November to March (during this time, the ice caves are stable and that makes your tour better) Reykjavik : One of the most popular Iceland tourist places, Reykjavik takes the credit for its whale watching tours. Remember Keiko from Free Willy? Well, the killer whale was captured in a camera in a marine site close to Reykjavik. There is a 90% chance that you will get to spot the giant creature during a single tour in the middle of the ocean. The ride to whale watching usually starts from Reykjavik’s Old Harbour and lasts for about an hour or so. Once you see the magnificent creatures, do not forget to capture them in your cameras. Pssst… Here's a tip for you, go for the ringside seat to witness the amazing phenomenon. This place is also flushed with quaint cafes, vibrant bars, and stunning restaurants. Once you return from the tour, make sure to stop by at some of them and enjoy local food. You can also witness the splendid Northern Lights from this place. Best time to visit: June to September. However, you can go whale watching at any time of the year. Blue Lagoon Hot Spring : There are numerous hot springs across Iceland but none of them are as spectacular as the Blue Lagoon. Settled amid the fairy tale setting of silica mud and jet-black volcanic desert rocks, Blue Lagoon is a must-visit place for first time visitors. Being the most popular spa of Iceland, Blue Lagoon encompasses warm and healing water full of minerals of the ocean, silica mud, steam stacks, and soothing vibes. People can book their own premium packages at the time of visit to the spa. There are various five-star hotels standing in the vicinity that also provide special spa packages at the Lagoon. Most common among these is the Retreat Hotel Spa, which provides a complete luxury experience to people—private pool, cold well, steam room, personalized morning yoga class, water therapies and messages, etc. Best time to visit: All year round. Grundarfjordur: The fishing village of Grundarfjordur will make you fall in love at the first sight! The serene houses, summer folk festivals, and the striking view of Mt. Kirkjufell standing amid the awe-inspiring waterfalls and meandering streams are enough reasons for you to stop by at this little hamlet. Another reason to visit Grundarfjordur is the Eyrbyggja Heritage Centre, which regularly exhibits the oceanic history of the town in a beautiful way. Grundarfjordur is located at a distance of 3 hours from Reykjavik and outlines the north coast of Snaefellsnes peninsula . The peninsula has been nicknamed as ‘Iceland in miniature’ and is home to the glorious Snæfellsjökull glacier. This twin-peaked glacier is resplendently surrounded by lava fields and three coastlines as it sits on the peninsular tip of a volcano. Thus, this adds as another reason for visiting the beautiful village. Best time to visit: All year round. Lake Myvatn : Located close to Akureyri, the capital of North Iceland, Lake Myvatn is known for its mystical formation that comprises a treasure of gems and flora of moss balls. Nature lovers find themselves at ease near and around this lake. One can also spot both indigenous and exotic species of birds during summer season as they form various formations in a single flight above the lake area. Another thing that makes this lake quite exclusive is its incredible geology. When looked from a distance, one will notice that the lake is outlined by pseudo volcanic craters that make the water body look quite mysterious. If you are a fan of Game of Thrones, then you must know that one of the most famous love scenes in the series was shot in this area. Grjótagjá hot spring is another major attraction found near this lake. It is carefully hidden in a cave in the lava field of Dimmuborgir. The field is so intense and sensational that it has come to be known as the Black Fortress. There are many other places to visit in this area. You will require a whole day to cover them all. Best time to visit: May to October Now that you know the best places to visit in Iceland to make your first trip memorable and one-of-a-kind, it’s about time that you booked your tickets to have an adventure of a lifetime! Iceland is filled with some spectacular scenic routes, breathtaking lagoons, and mesmerizing flora and fauna that must be witnessed once in your life. Blob - . As you imagine the beauty of Iceland, feel the birds flying above in the blue-sky azure with golden light of a setting sun, misty valleys, and extraordinary countryside - and these are only a few of the many stupefying places of this splendorous land. #IcelandTravel #TheBeautyofIceland #BeautifulIceland #TripToIceland #VisitIceland SEARCH 7 Abandoned Cities In India And Abroad That Are Too Beautiful To Be Forgotten TRAVEL Blue Lagoon – Iceland TRAVEL Palm Islands TRAVEL WORLD PEACE DOME TRAVEL Blood Falls In Antarctica: Explained TRAVEL POPULAR POSTS Advertisement Advertisement By Anushka Sharma Chiang Mai Is So Unrealistically Magical; And Here Is Why 28 June 2024 TRAVEL By Anushka Sharma Lakshadweep Is A Heaven In Disguise And Here Is Why 3 April 2024 TRAVEL By Anushka Sharma If Uzbekistan Isn’t On Your Travel List, Here Is Exactly Why It Should Be 21 March 2024 TRAVEL By Anushka Sharma The Fashion Capitals Of Asia: Exploring Style Beyond Borders 19 March 2024 TRAVEL RELATED POSTS


    ​ ​ WINNERS Alankrita Sisodia mil**isod*** Amrin Shaikhda amrin**** Faria Khansa arj*** Iqra Shaikh iqra*** Namita Agarwal anami**** Nikhat Anjum Khan nikha**** Palak Kaur pal***reetka*** Winnie Sehgal th**ady4**

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    Shipping Policy As an online magazine, we do not have physical shipments or shipping charges. All of our content is easily accessible through our website and can be viewed from the comfort of your own home or on-the-go through your mobile device. We also offer a variety of subscription options, so you can choose the one that best suits your reading needs. Thank you for choosing L'utopia Magazine!

  • PRIVACY POLICY | L'utopia Magazine

    Privacy Policy At L’utopia Magazine, accessible from , one of our main priorities is the privacy of our visitors. This Privacy Policy document contains types of information that is collected and recorded by L’utopia Magazine and how we use it. ​ If you have additional questions or require more information about our Privacy Policy, do not hesitate to contact us. ​ This Privacy Policy applies only to our online activities and is valid for visitors to our website with regards to the information that they shared and/or collect in L’utopia Magazine. This policy is not applicable to any information collected offline or via channels other than this website. Our Privacy Policy was created with the help of the Privacy Policy Generator. ​ ​ CONSENT By using our website, you hereby consent to our Privacy Policy and agree to its terms. ​ ​ INFORMATION WE COLLECT ​ The personal information that you are asked to provide, and the reasons why you are asked to provide it, will be made clear to you at the point we ask you to provide your personal information. ​ If you contact us directly, we may receive additional information about you such as your name, email address, phone number, the contents of the message and/or attachments you may send us, and any other information you may choose to provide. ​ When you register for an Account, we may ask for your contact information, including items such as name, company name, address, email address, and telephone number. ​ ​ HOW WE USE YOUR INFORMATION We use the information we collect in various ways, including to: ​ Provide, operate, and maintain our website Improve, personalize, and expand our website Understand and analyze how you use our website Develop new products, services, features, and functionality Communicate with you, either directly or through one of our partners, including for customer service, to provide you with updates and other information relating to the website, and for marketing and promotional purposes Send you emails Find and prevent fraud LOG FILES ​ L’utopia Magazine follows a standard procedure of using log files. 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  • Famous Awe-Inspiring Castles That Need To Be On Your Next Travel List

    by Saumya Mishra Famous Awe-Inspiring Castles That Need To Be On Your Next Travel List 25 February 2023 TRAVEL Advertisement Advertisement Baker Mayfield once quoted, "You don't build a great castle just all at once." Castles are fortified buildings built by the royals in the medieval era, for defense purposes and to protect the people living in them from invasions. The era of castles started about 1000 years ago and lasted for almost 500 years. The lavish architectural designs and extravagant luxurious interiors of the castles often were to display the wealth and power of the nobility. Almost every castle in the world has been said to hold history and secrets of its own, which many historians and archeologists are still trying to unravel. Regardless of their stories behind the walls, castles make great historical monuments. These establishments have a mysterious aura and magic of their own and have been attracting the eyes of tourists for a century, which has seen a gradual increase in recent years. Modern people are hugely interested and invested in learning about the history, art, and triumph of the people who once inhabited these places. Not only castles are intriguing but overall look like a place out of fairytales. Here we have listed some magnificent Castles that you need to include in your next travel plan and give yourself a magical fairytale vacation. 1. Tower Of London, England Situated on the north bank of the River Thames in central London, the notorious Tower of London is known to be one of the most famous castles in England. Built in the 1070s, under the supervision of King William the Conquerer the Tower of London with its central white tower was built as a demonstration of Norman power, and to impose fear and submission into the heart of citizens of London. The castle brags about a bone-chilling history of oppression, cruelty, and death. The castle is also said to be used as a prison from 1000 to 1952. People guilty of crimes, real or not, we're brutally tortured and executed. The castle also shares a gruesome past of suspicious murders and executions. Many secrets and stories still revolve around the castle and especially around the torture chamber in it. The Tower of London is a wealth of history and stories. People can see crown jewels, enjoy the display of armor and weapons, feel the mystery to their bones, or witness the daily ceremony of keys done by Yeomen warders. It's England's most popular tourist attraction, and witnesses about 2 Million visits each year. The Tower of London is a honeycomb of experiences only if it's given enough time to be observed and experienced. 2. Eltz Castle, Germany Located in Rheinland-Palatine, known as the Moselle wine region famous for Riesling wine, Eltz Castle is a medieval castle nestled at the bottom of a heavily forested valley and surrounded by picturesque hills. Named a 'skyscraper' among castles this establishment is several stories tall and inhabits a small courtyard. Eltz tower has gradually become the most photographed Castle on social media sites, especially Instagram. The castle is situated in a secluded position, surrounded by thick forests, and gives the mysterious feeling of being something straight out of a fantasy book. The Eltz Castle is the Defensive Imperial Age Landmark of the Holy Roman Empire Civilization in Age of Empires IV. The noble family of Eltz has ownership of the castle to this day. 3. Malbork Castle, Poland Located in the Pomerania region of Poland, Malbork castle once used to be called the 'Castle Of The Teutonic Order' or 'Marienburg', is the largest brick castle in the world measured by land area and one of the most recommended place to visit in Poland. It was established by Teutonic Knights. The knights were brought from Germany to Poland to convert local pagan tribes to Christianity. The vision behind the establishment of this infrastructure was to make the 'Teutonic Knights' hold and power stronger in that area. The location of the castle was chosen strategically near the Baltic Sea river and River Vistula, Teutonic knights used to collect tolls from trading ships. Initially, the Castle was completed in 1406 but was expanded several times because of the growing number of Teutonic Knights. The castle faced huge casualties in World War II, but has been rebuilt again and is a major tourist attraction. The castle was added to the UNESCO world heritage list in 1997. 4. Predjama Castle, Slovenia Built in the historical region of Inner Carniola, located 9 kilometers from Postojna Cave in the village of Predjama, Predjama Castle is the largest cave castle in the world. Situated in a fortified position, this renaissance castle was built by the Patriarch of Aquileia in the gothic style. Behind this cave castle, there is a network of secret tunnels, from where the knight Erazem of Predjama would set out on his plundering explorations. Predjama castle is the perfect example of harmony between nature's creation and human creativity. The cave under Predjama castle is home to a colony of bats. Predjama castle holds a Guinness world record and is known to be one of the most fascinating castles. The castle is open to visitors for the whole year but the cave is open from only June to August due to the bats' hibernation period during the rest of the year. 5. Hohenwerfen Castle, Austria This 900-year-old castle is located in the Pongau region of Salzburg on the steep peak, high above the Salzach valley. Surrounded by the Berchtesgaden Alps and the Tennen Mountains this castle was built by the Archbishop of Salzburg in the 11th century as the sister of Hohensalzburg Fortress. The original castle was initially made of wood, however, by the 15th century Hohenwerfen was developed into a magnificent stone structure. The castle has served as a state prison for more than a century and hence developed a sinister reputation. The castle belongs to the state of Salzburg today and has been used as a tourist attraction since 1987. Hohenwerfen has been featured in movies like the backdrop for the song "Do-Re-Mi" in the film 'The Sound of Music' and as "Schloss Adler" in the 1968 film 'Where Eagles Dare'. Hohenwerfen castle boasts its weapons collection, a falconry museum, and a fortress tavern. 6. Edinburgh Castle, Scotland Edinburgh is said to be one of the most famous castles in the world. The origination of this formidable and majestic Scottish infrastructure built on the top of a 700 million-year-old extinct volcano called Castle Rock, dates back to the reign of King David I in the 12th century. The majority of the initially formed building of medieval Edinburgh castle was destroyed during the Lang siege of the late 16th century, many fortifications happened in the 16th and 17th centuries, and many buildings were built in the late 19th century as well. The location of this castle is beautiful and looks extravagant on a night full of lights. There are many rooms to explore and a museum to gain some knowledge about the Scottish independence war and other historical stories. 7. Prague Castle, Czech Republic According to the Guinness Book of Records Prague castle is the largest ancient castle in the world. It is known as an ancient symbol of the Czech State, and one of the most important cultural institutions in the Czech Republic. The establishment of Prague Castle dates back to 880 and is most likely found by Prince Bořivoj of the Premyslid Dynasty. Prague Castle is the largest coherent castle complex in the world, with an area of almost 70,000 m². It is a UNESCO World Heritage site and consists of many palaces and ecclesiastical buildings of various architectural and gothic styles. This medieval castle leaves people stunned and mesmerized by its spectacular beauty, charming courtyards, and splendid infrastructure. Many parts of the castle are free to explore but people need to buy tickets if they want to see the exhibitions. 8. Eilean Donan, Scotland Eilean Donan is one of the most famous castles in Scotland. Situated at the confluence of three sea lochs Loch Duich, Loch Long, and Loch Alsh in the western Highlands of Scotland and originally built in the 13th Century as a fortified structure for defensive purposes. Eilean Donan is the most photographed fortress in Scotland and even got featured in movies like James Bond. A grey stone bridge connects the small island with the mainland. It is said that the castle we see today is not the original medieval castle, but was rebuilt in mock medieval style over the ruins of a former castle somewhere around the 1920s. Regardless everything about this castle is stunning, the location, the infrastructure, and the intriguing history. SEARCH 7 Abandoned Cities In India And Abroad That Are Too Beautiful To Be Forgotten TRAVEL Blue Lagoon – Iceland TRAVEL Palm Islands TRAVEL WORLD PEACE DOME TRAVEL Blood Falls In Antarctica: Explained TRAVEL POPULAR POSTS Advertisement Advertisement By Anushka Sharma Chiang Mai Is So Unrealistically Magical; And Here Is Why 28 June 2024 TRAVEL By Anushka Sharma Lakshadweep Is A Heaven In Disguise And Here Is Why 3 April 2024 TRAVEL By Anushka Sharma If Uzbekistan Isn’t On Your Travel List, Here Is Exactly Why It Should Be 21 March 2024 TRAVEL By Anushka Sharma The Fashion Capitals Of Asia: Exploring Style Beyond Borders 19 March 2024 TRAVEL RELATED POSTS

  • A Cultural Odyssey On The Runway With Angelo Estera

    By Anushka Sharma A Cultural Odyssey On The Runway With Angelo Estera 3 September 2024 FASHION Advertisement As the fashion world turns its gaze toward Dubai Fashion Week , one name stands poised to make an unforgettable impact— Angelo Estera . The renowned Filipino designer, celebrated for his unique ability to blend tradition with modernity, is set to debut his highly anticipated Spring/Summer 2025 collection. This marks a very significant milestone in Estera's illustrious and decorated career, as he now brings his eponymous label to the forefront of one of the fashion industry's most prestigious events. A Vivid Journey Through Culture and Craft: Angelo Estera’s designs are more than mere clothes or garments; they are stories that are beautifully narrated through fabric, color, and form. His upcoming collection is a testament to his love for cultural exploration, drawing inspiration from his extensive travels across the Orient and the Arabian Peninsula. The result is a collection that fuses the mystique of the Far East with the grandeur of the Arabian desert—a visual and sensory journey that celebrates the diversity and richness of these regions. Estera’s design philosophy is rooted in his passion for storytelling. Each piece in his collection is meticulously crafted to reflect the essence of the cultures that inspire him. His ability to harmonize different cultural elements while maintaining a distinct, cohesive aesthetic has earned him a loyal following in the Middle East and beyond. This collection, however, promises to elevate his work to new heights, showcasing a harmonious blend of Orientalia, Eastern, and Arabian influences. The Spring/Summer 2025 Collection: A Celebration of Diversity And Tradition The Spring/Summer 2025 collection is expected to be a breathtaking showcase of Estera’s signature style—an intricate dance of colors, textures, and silhouettes that embody modern luxury intertwined with traditional craftsmanship. Estera’s creations are known for their opulent fabrics and bold, yet refined silhouettes, and this collection is no exception. From flowing, ethereal gowns that evoke the romance of the Orient to structured, regal pieces that mirror the strength of the desert, every design tells a story of its own. Dubai Fashion Week 2025 will serve as the perfect backdrop for Estera’s debut, a stage where the convergence of cultures is not only celebrated but also revered. Attendees can anticipate a runway experience that transcends fashion, offering a glimpse into a world where art, culture, and design intersect in the most spectacular ways. Angelo Estera’s Vision In a Nutshell: Angelo Estera’s excitement for his debut at Dubai Fashion Week is palpable. “This collection is a celebration of my travels and inspirations, a fusion of diverse influences that come together harmoniously on the runway,” Estera shares. His words echo the very essence of his work—a commitment to creating designs that not only adorn the body but also resonate with the soul. Estera’s ability to draw from his experiences and translate them into wearable art has solidified his reputation as a visionary in the fashion industry. His work speaks to a global audience, inviting them to experience the beauty of cultural diversity through his unique lens. As he prepares to unveil his Spring/Summer 2025 collection, the fashion world eagerly awaits a display of unparalleled creativity and sophistication. Angelo Estera’s debut at Dubai Fashion Week is more than just a milestone in his career; it is a celebration of the power of fashion to transcend borders and tell stories that connect us all. His Spring/Summer 2025 collection is poised to leave an indelible mark on the runway, offering a captivating display of talent, innovation, and cultural fusion. For those who appreciate the artistry of fashion and the narratives woven into every stitch, Angelo Estera’s latest collection promises to be a journey worth taking. SEARCH The Rich Heritage of Indian Handloom FASHION Fashion In The 19th Century FASHION Colour Psychology in Fashion: Explained FASHION The Influence Of Kanye West On Fashion FASHION K-Pop Fashion And Its Impact On Global Wardrobe FASHION POPULAR POSTS Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement By Anushka Sharma Dubai Fashion Week Day Five: Emerging Talents, Cultural Heritage, And Global Fashion Dialogues 14 September 2024 FASHION By Anushka Sharma Marina Ignjat: A Journey Through Style And Travel 13 September 2024 FASHION By Anushka Sharma Anaya Collection Unveils "Gaudí’s Reverie" At Dubai Fashion Week: A Fusion Of Love, Technique, And Playful Elegance 11 September 2024 FASHION By Anushka Sharma Hebajasmi Unveils Captivating New Collection For SS25: A Masterpiece Of Art And Fashion 10 September 2024 FASHION RELATED POSTS

  • Lakshadweep Is A Heaven In Disguise And Here Is Why

    By Anushka Sharma Lakshadweep Is A Heaven In Disguise And Here Is Why 3 April 2024 TRAVEL Advertisement Advertisement Hey there, island explorers! Ever heard of Lakshadweep? It's like a hidden treasure chest in the Indian Ocean, full of amazing surprises! Picture this: turquoise waters, colorful coral reefs, and sandy beaches that feel like fluffy pillows for your feet. Lakshadweep is not just one island, but a whole bunch of them – 36 to be exact! Each one has its own special vibe, like having a different flavor of ice cream every day. So, what makes Lakshadweep so special? Let's start with the beaches. Oh, the beaches! With their soft, white sand and crystal-clear waters, they're like something out of a postcard. Whether you're a beach bum who loves to laze in the sun or a water baby who can't wait to dive into the waves, Lakshadweep has a beach for you. But it's not just about sunbathing and swimming – although those are definitely two of the main attractions. Lakshadweep is also a mecca for water sports enthusiasts. From snorkeling and scuba diving to kayaking and windsurfing, there's no shortage of adrenaline-pumping activities to try. Let's talk about snorkeling, shall we? Strap on your mask and flippers and get ready to dive into a world of wonder beneath the waves. The coral reefs around Lakshadweep are teeming with life – colorful fish, graceful sea turtles, and even the occasional dolphin or whale shark if you're lucky! It's like swimming in a giant aquarium, except you're part of the show. And speaking of coral reefs, did you know that Lakshadweep is known as the Coral Islands? That's because it's home to some of the most beautiful coral formations in the world. As you explore the underwater wonderland, you'll be amazed by the vibrant colors and intricate shapes of the coral gardens that stretch as far as the eye can see. But Lakshadweep isn't just about what's under the sea – it's also about what's on land. The islands are home to a rich diversity of flora and fauna, from towering coconut palms to exotic birds and butterflies. And let's not forget about the friendly locals, who are always eager to share their island paradise with visitors. One of the best things about Lakshadweep is that it's still relatively undiscovered. Unlike some other tourist hotspots, you won't find crowded beaches or overdeveloped resorts here. Instead, you'll have plenty of space to roam free and soak up the natural beauty of the islands. So, whether you're looking for adventure, relaxation, or a little bit of both, Lakshadweep has something for everyone. Pack your bags, grab your sunscreen, and get ready for the trip of a lifetime. Paradise awaits! SEARCH 7 Abandoned Cities In India And Abroad That Are Too Beautiful To Be Forgotten TRAVEL Blue Lagoon – Iceland TRAVEL Palm Islands TRAVEL WORLD PEACE DOME TRAVEL Blood Falls In Antarctica: Explained TRAVEL POPULAR POSTS Advertisement Advertisement By Anushka Sharma Chiang Mai Is So Unrealistically Magical; And Here Is Why 28 June 2024 TRAVEL By Anushka Sharma Lakshadweep Is A Heaven In Disguise And Here Is Why 3 April 2024 TRAVEL By Anushka Sharma If Uzbekistan Isn’t On Your Travel List, Here Is Exactly Why It Should Be 21 March 2024 TRAVEL By Anushka Sharma The Fashion Capitals Of Asia: Exploring Style Beyond Borders 19 March 2024 TRAVEL RELATED POSTS

  • Dima Ayad Unveils SS'25 Collection: A Celebration Of Feminine Strength And Soft Power

    By Anushka Sharma Dima Ayad Unveils SS'25 Collection: A Celebration Of Feminine Strength And Soft Power 9 September 2024 FASHION Advertisement Dubai Fashion Week once again shines as a premier stage for groundbreaking designs, and this year, renowned fashion designer Dima Ayad brings forth a captivating new collection for Spring/Summer 2025 (SS'25). Known for her inclusive and empowering approach to fashion, Ayad’s latest collection celebrates femininity in all its glory, blending soft power with elegant, timeless designs. Inspired by the inherent beauty, strength, and grace of women, the SS'25 collection embraces femininity unapologetically. Ayad explains her vision behind the collection, stating, “There is immense power in being feminine. It's about embracing a sense of soft power—a quiet confidence that comes from within. You don’t need to lose your femininity to be powerful; in fact, your femininity is your power." This belief is woven into every piece of the collection, creating a lineup that radiates both strength and delicacy. The Essence of Soft Power in Fashion: The theme of “soft power” is central to the SS'25 collection. For Ayad, soft power is about embracing the subtleties of feminine strength—a quiet but undeniable presence that comes from self-assurance and confidence. The collection reflects this concept through its use of flowing silhouettes, delicate detailing, and a vibrant yet balanced color palette. Featuring romantic floral sequin dresses, lace, and ombré satin fabrics, the collection highlights the versatility and allure of feminine fashion. The pastel shades, ranging from blush pinks to soft lilacs, contrast beautifully with bolder hues like emerald green and sapphire blue, offering a rich tapestry of colors that exude grace and allure. Ayad’s commitment to “all things girly” shines through in the playful yet sophisticated designs, which transition effortlessly from day to night. Every garment in the SS'25 collection is a tribute to the quiet confidence and inner strength that Ayad believes defines femininity. The designs celebrate the beauty of being unapologetically feminine, proving that power can indeed be soft. Embracing Inclusivity and Diversity: True to the brand's ethos, Dima Ayad continues her dedication to inclusivity with the SS'25 collection. Known for designing fashion that celebrates women of all shapes and sizes, Ayad’s latest collection is no different. Each piece has been crafted to ensure that every woman, regardless of body type, can find something that makes her feel confident, valued, and beautiful. "Inclusivity is at the core of our brand," says Ayad. "Fashion should be for everyone, and our SS'25 collection is designed with this in mind. We want every woman to feel seen, valued, and celebrated in our designs." This commitment to inclusivity has been a hallmark of Ayad’s work from the very beginning. With her focus on creating garments that are versatile, flattering, and accessible, Ayad ensures that her designs not only fit but also empower women. A Grand Debut at Dubai Fashion Week The SS'25 collection will make its grand debut on the runway at Dubai Fashion Week on September 3, 2024. Fashion enthusiasts, influencers, and media will gather at this highly anticipated event to witness the unveiling of Ayad’s latest creations. Known for her elegant and contemporary designs, Ayad is expected to deliver a show that celebrates both the artistry and inclusivity that define her brand. Following the runway show, the SS'25 collection will be available for purchase online and at select retailers worldwide, offering women everywhere the opportunity to experience the beauty and strength that the collection embodies. As a brief introduction, Dima Ayad is a Dubai-based fashion designer celebrated for her inclusive approach to fashion. Since its inception, her brand has focused on creating timeless designs that celebrate femininity, individuality, and diversity. With collections that blend luxury with accessibility, Ayad continues to empower women through fashion, offering versatile and elegant pieces that cater to women of all shapes and sizes. The SS'25 collection is a further testament to Ayad’s vision of fashion as a medium for empowerment—where femininity is celebrated, and every woman is invited to embrace her soft power. SEARCH The Rich Heritage of Indian Handloom FASHION Fashion In The 19th Century FASHION Colour Psychology in Fashion: Explained FASHION The Influence Of Kanye West On Fashion FASHION K-Pop Fashion And Its Impact On Global Wardrobe FASHION POPULAR POSTS Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement By Anushka Sharma Dubai Fashion Week Day Five: Emerging Talents, Cultural Heritage, And Global Fashion Dialogues 14 September 2024 FASHION By Anushka Sharma Marina Ignjat: A Journey Through Style And Travel 13 September 2024 FASHION By Anushka Sharma Anaya Collection Unveils "Gaudí’s Reverie" At Dubai Fashion Week: A Fusion Of Love, Technique, And Playful Elegance 11 September 2024 FASHION By Anushka Sharma Hebajasmi Unveils Captivating New Collection For SS25: A Masterpiece Of Art And Fashion 10 September 2024 FASHION RELATED POSTS

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