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  • Komica Anchal: A Journey Of Perseverance, Passion, And Possibilities

    By Anushka Sharma Komica Anchal: A Journey Of Perseverance, Passion, And Possibilities 11 September 2024 COVER STORIES Advertisement Komica's journey in the world of acting is nothing short of inspiring. From the bustling streets of Patna to the glamorous skyline of Mumbai, her story is a testament to dedication and grit. "When I moved to Mumbai, I had to adapt to a new culture, new people, new places, and new food. It wasn’t easy, but by God’s grace and a lot of perseverance, I was able to overcome the challenges of this new city," she shares. Her transition wasn’t just geographical—it was an emotional and professional leap that pushed her to new limits. Yet, despite the struggles, Komica Anchal has emerged stronger and more determined than ever. The Wanderlust Heart: It’s clear that Komica's love for acting isn’t her only passion—she’s also a die-hard traveler! If there’s one place that truly captured her heart, it’s Italy. "I love the charm of Italy. From the romantic canals of Venice to the historic allure of Florence, and the picturesque hills of Tuscany—it’s all so captivating. The calmness, the food, and the beauty of the country are simply irresistible!" she gushes. Komica’s words paint a picture of someone who doesn’t just visit places but truly experiences them, soaking in their essence. All About Looking Up To Someone in Bollywood: In an industry brimming with talent, Komica looks up to none other than Priyanka Chopra. "Her journey from Bollywood to Hollywood is incredibly inspiring. She’s shown that with hard work and resilience, you can break barriers and reach new heights." Komica sees Priyanka’s success as a benchmark for her own aspirations, a reminder that the sky’s the limit. To Exciting Times Ahead: So, what’s next for this rising star? The future looks nothing short of thrilling. Komica is working on a couple of projects that she’s excited about, including a thriller that’s pushing her acting boundaries. "It’s a layered character, which is both challenging and rewarding. I’m also venturing into the world of web series—something that creatively excites me." Looks like we’ll be seeing a lot more of her in the coming months! Elaborating on The Art of Acting: What does Komica love most about acting? It’s the ability to step into someone else’s shoes, even if just for a moment. "Acting allows me to explore different lives, emotions, and experiences. It’s a powerful feeling to bring a character to life and connect with people on a deep level." Her love for the craft shines through every word she speaks. A Mother’s Influence: Behind every successful person is someone who believed in them from the start, and for Komica, that person is her mother. "She’s been the most influential person in my career. Her unwavering support, even when my dreams seemed far-fetched, has given me the strength to keep going." It’s clear that her mother’s belief in her has been the fuel behind her unstoppable drive. Staying Motivated in a Competitive World: In an industry as competitive as acting, staying inspired can be tough, but Komica has found her own way to keep the fire alive. "I keep myself motivated by constantly learning—whether it’s through new roles, watching performances, or observing life around me. I also remind myself that my journey is unique to me, and comparing it with others won’t serve me." With such a positive mindset, it’s no wonder she’s making waves. Komica’s story is one of hard work, resilience, and passion. Whether she’s taking on challenging roles or exploring the world, she’s a star who shines brightly both on and off the screen. And with an exciting future ahead, we can’t wait to see where her journey takes her next! SEARCH Karishma Kotak Playing Her Innings In Fashion, Sports And Fitness COVER STORIES Musings With Maryam Zolghadr COVER STORIES Madhura Naik talks about the Life of an Actress COVER STORIES Kavya Thapar And Her Versatile Acting Career That Cuts Across Regional Lines COVER STORIES Ahsaas Channa Talks About Her Mother Being The Inspiration Behind Her Career COVER STORIES POPULAR POSTS Advertisement Advertisement By Anushka Sharma Komica Anchal: A Journey Of Perseverance, Passion, And Possibilities 11 September 2024 COVER STORIES By Anushka Sharma From Dream To Reality: The Rise Of Sameer Mark In The Fashion Industry 9 September 2024 COVER STORIES By Anushka Sharma From The Silver Screen To Human Rights Advocacy With Award Winning Actress Sheena Chohan 21 August 2024 COVER STORIES By Anushka Sharma The Journey Of Shilpa Joshi: A Musical Odyssey 6 August 2024 COVER STORIES RELATED POSTS Advertisement

  • Sneak Peek into Restaurant Kitchens

    by Aparajita Jaiswal Sneak Peek into Restaurant Kitchens 6 July 2022 FOOD Advertisement Advertisement Should you or should you not look behind the restaurant kitchen doors You are celebrating your promotion at work at your favorite restaurant and you have ordered a tasty, locally grown organic meal. You indulge completely to savor your food, while feeling good that your life appears to be just perfect. What could be better? Well, as a starter: the conditions in which your food is prepared. Food with attitude is okay, but food with hygiene is rather more important. Ever wondered whether or not the food, we tend to treat ourselves with at restaurants, is prepared maintain the standard conditions of cleanliness and hygiene? Ever thought of having a sneak peek into the kitchen of your favorite restaurant and say Hi to the chefs? Maybe you should, once in a while. Good food is definitely good vibes until you get sick because of the low standard of cleanliness and hygiene at restaurants and eateries. Catching food infections at a restaurant is the worst nightmares of their guests, more commonly evident in children. Customers would obviously wish to dine in a restaurant that serves hygienic food and focuses on cleanliness. The point of concern here now is how do we decide which of the restaurant serves hygienic food and which of them do not maintain the standard hygiene conditions. As a usual ideology, it is assumed that the high standard five start restaurants serve the most hygienic food and maintain high standard cleanliness. Provided the fact that the entire staff of such a restaurant is well qualified and considerably trained, justifies such an image of the restaurant in people’s minds. People usually prefer the high standard and obviously expensive restaurants over the shabby, précised or pinpoint restaurants with a moderate yet considerable ambience and quality services. This preferentiality is due to the assumption of the fact that the more you pay, the higher quality of services you avail and thus the food served must be hygienic enough. The actual fact might be that you end up paying for the ambience and services provided more than over the food served. Must give this a thought! Taking the quality of food served and hygiene maintained into consideration, there is always a chance that due to such high maintenance of the 5-star restaurants, they have an access to well-furnished technology as well. There are always freezers which help them store food for longer period of time. In fact, the food served in all the franchises of large and renowned brands, have a supply of their raw materials, always in a frozen form. Nobody would actually want to eat something that is in the refrigerator of the house for a day or two, but readily enjoy such meals in the restaurants. Street foods, highly enjoyed and populous among the young, is considered to be oily and unhygienic by many. Several videos and pictures of the unhygienic conditions in which street food is prepared are timely circulated over the social media. People here tend to be very aware and concerned about the hygiene maintained and threaten the owners of small stalls by recording their videos and posting over the social media negative review or feedback. However, the fact that a considerable proportion of the entire population within a metropolitan city relies upon the street food cannot be taken for granted. What else could make the best example, but the Vada Pav in Mumbai is a staple diet for everyone, be it employees, strugglers or anyone as such. Do people here talk about hygiene? Obviously not! Is your health adversely effected by Vada Pav? Obviously not! It is not all about the quality of services provided, the fact that these street foods are freshly prepared everyday and you can actually witness the food being prepared and immediately served is what makes it safe. The fact to thus understand is that the points to consider while choosing which restaurant to dine in, shouldn’t just the ambience or the quality of service provided but the quality of food, the raw materials used, the steps taken by the cooks and serving staff to maintain hygiene and of course the freshness of the food served. You cannot form a general opinion regarding the hygiene conditions of restaurants based upon the hierarchy of restaurants. The places like food stalls can serve hygienic food as well. The high standard restaurants and at times fail to do so as well and vice versa. You, as a consumer need to wisely choose among all these restaurants. Make sure that you dine to be healthy and fine. SEARCH How was Chocolate Born FOOD Virgin Territory: These non-alcoholic thirst quenchers are mixologist approved FOOD Tasting the sunny side of Christmas: Christmas Cocktails FOOD 5 Destinations You Must Head to Taste Wine in India FOOD Breakfast – Don’t miss! FOOD POPULAR POSTS Advertisement Advertisement By Anushka Sharma 7-Day Anti-Inflammatory Meal Plan For Anti-Ageing That Actually Works Like Magic 5 April 2024 FOOD By Anushka Sharma The Mind-Blowing History Of Butter Chicken 27 March 2024 FOOD by Aishwarya Let’s talk about the alcohol brands owned by celebrities 2 November 2022 FOOD by Aishwarya Tasting the sunny side of Christmas: Christmas Cocktails 2 November 2022 FOOD RELATED POSTS

  • 5 by 5 Rule

    by Akash Khatri 5 by 5 Rule 1 November 2020 LIFESTYLE Advertisement A very close friend introduced me to this coincidentally 5 years back after I had been ranting about my messy day. Since then life has been a bit simpler, it goes like, “If it’s not going to matter in 5 years, don’t spend more than 5 minutes upset by it.” It didn’t make sense to me the first time too. Sounds pretty simple on paper I know, it’s difficult in reality. You won’t get used to it overnight, it will surely take a while but I promise once you do, things just seem to sort themselves. Things fall apart, they always do. I think it’s the basic law of human living. You will have challenges, changes and trials. It’s a part and parcel of a game called life. You need to accept the ugly bitter pills just like the sweet candies. It’s just the way it is supposed to be maybe. It can’t be flowers and rainbows all the way. There might be days with a little blood, tears and sweat too but it will all be worth it in the end. Sometimes decision fatigue gets overwhelming. When you can’t really think what to do, whether to keep thinking about something or not. At such times the 5 by 5 rule comes to the rescue. You can’t care about everything and anything; you have to choose what to care about. The only way to filter is this. It is highly effective in the long run and this is me talking from personal experience, tried and tested. It can be applied from the tiniest snarky comment someone passed on your dress to your workplace issues. Whenever in doubt, just ask yourself once “will it matter in the next five years?” if yes, work on it, find a solution, leave no stone unturned for it but if you get an answer in the negative, drop it right there. You will soon realize that what anyone else thinks about the colour of your dress or your new hairstyle or your handwriting won’t ever matter, they won’t even remember it after a week or so but you somewhere it might leave a mark on your heart and you would continue pondering over their nasty remarks. My heart always got the better of my brain while making decisions, it’s not bad but equilibrium is necessary. This rule helped me get a perspective around issues. Those gigantic dilemmas weren’t that bad. I realized a lot of issues had very simple solutions. You just had to know the trick to handle. Neil Armstrong once said, “I believe that every human has a finite number of heartbeats. I don’t intend to waste any of mine.” We all have limited time. We have to make our choices, they might not always be wise but mistakes are the greatest teachers. This has become my life’s litmus test. It saved me from a lot of futile thinking; I hope it helps you declutter too. #wise #test #accept #limited #dilemma #rule #Reality #decision #issue #finite #litmus #help #Life #sense #time #sort #fivebyfive #thinking #save #overwhelming #simpler #equilibrium SEARCH Countdown To History: Omega Unveils Paris 2024 Olympics Countdown Clock And Special Edition Timepiece LIFESTYLE Juggling Law And Fashion: The Inspirational Journey Of Riddhi Nahata, A Multifaceted Influencer LIFESTYLE Join Shruti Yogi On Her Enchanting Journey From Kumkum Bhagya To Wanderlust Saga LIFESTYLE Personal Growth And Relatability: Ishita Khanna's Key To Influencer Success LIFESTYLE 6 Disadvantages Of Being Pretty LIFESTYLE POPULAR POSTS Advertisement Advertisement By Anushka Sharma From Dental Drills To Instagram Thrills: The Journey Of Mekhala Bawsay 16 August 2024 LIFESTYLE By Anushka Sharma Juggling Two Worlds: The Inspiring Journey Of Kritika Goel 16 August 2024 LIFESTYLE By Anushka Sharma Kanchan Serai: Balancing The Skies And The Spotlight 15 August 2024 LIFESTYLE By Anushka Sharma Nikita Pawar: From Fashion Design To Digital Stardom 15 August 2024 LIFESTYLE RELATED POSTS Advertisement

  • Veganism On The Rise: What You Need To Know

    by Rupashree Ravi Veganism On The Rise: What You Need To Know 3 August 2022 LIFESTYLE Advertisement Veganism has been a growing movement in many countries for a long time now. As it is slowly entering the mainstream ways of living and becoming more common, research on vegan diets and lifestyles is being done to know more about their benefits as well as their risks. Today, an increasing number of families and teens are turning vegan due to health, animal welfare, and environmental reasons. But whatever the reason may be, it is important to take a look at your physical requirements and personal beliefs before you begin. “Being vegan can mean different choices for different people. For some, it is a strict dietary choice while for others it is a compassionate lifestyle.” Traditional Indian dishes are usually vegan; meat and dairy-free Made up of only plant-based products, a vegan diet avoids everything animal food-related, including products and by-products like meat, dairy, eggs, and honey. They are low in saturated fats and rich in nutrients. Its health benefits include stabilizing weight, enhancing the heart, reducing the risk of diabetes, and defending against cancer. If planned well, a vegan diet can provide a wide range of essential vitamins, minerals, healthy fats, and protein as well. On the other hand, those who incorporate a strict vegan lifestyle do not use any kind of animal product in any form, be it fabric or fashion. They eliminate using or wearing silk, wool, leather, fur, and even soaps or cosmetics made out of animal products. People who are mindful of a sustainable environment usually follow this kind of lifestyle. When it comes to veganism, people follow it to different extents. A number of vegans go for the healthiest alternatives in their diet. In a typical Indian household, dairy products like ghee, paneer, yogurt, etc. which are high in calcium, are consumed on a regular basis. To switch them to vegan alternatives, one can go for non-dairy products like tofu, chickpeas, broccoli, and lentils, which are plant sources of calcium. Lentils are also a great source of vegan protein. Some studies suggest that vegans have the lowest intake of calcium. To tackle this, many alterna-milks like soy milk and almond milk, which are fortified with calcium and vitamin D can be consumed. Moreover, adding plenty of fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts, and seeds to your diet will provide important vitamins and minerals. Plant-based milks and a plethora of fruits and veggies that are high in protein, calcium, and fibre are consumed There is also a thin line between veganism and vegetarianism. Veganism is seen as a stricter form of vegetarianism and more of a lifestyle movement than a dietary one. It’s important to know that while a vegan diet is healthy overall, with benefits like lowering cholesterol and blood pressure among many, it comes with the risks of short-changing you on a few nutrients like Vitamin B12, which is found only in animal products. You may need a supplement to make up for what you don't get from your diet. You can start slow by following trends like Veganuary, where you can go vegan for a month. Or go vegetarian and then slowly move on to a vegan diet. Look up healthier alternatives to meat and dairy and follow a balanced diet. If you are morally passionate about the environment and animal welfare, live a vegan lifestyle by shopping for vegan clothing retailers. You can be a part of the movement in small, but significant ways. In the end, make your call towards an alternative way of living. #Veganism #Vegan #HealthyLifestyle #VeganDiet #Fitness SEARCH Countdown To History: Omega Unveils Paris 2024 Olympics Countdown Clock And Special Edition Timepiece LIFESTYLE Juggling Law And Fashion: The Inspirational Journey Of Riddhi Nahata, A Multifaceted Influencer LIFESTYLE Join Shruti Yogi On Her Enchanting Journey From Kumkum Bhagya To Wanderlust Saga LIFESTYLE Personal Growth And Relatability: Ishita Khanna's Key To Influencer Success LIFESTYLE 6 Disadvantages Of Being Pretty LIFESTYLE POPULAR POSTS Advertisement Advertisement By Anushka Sharma From Dental Drills To Instagram Thrills: The Journey Of Mekhala Bawsay 16 August 2024 LIFESTYLE By Anushka Sharma Juggling Two Worlds: The Inspiring Journey Of Kritika Goel 16 August 2024 LIFESTYLE By Anushka Sharma Kanchan Serai: Balancing The Skies And The Spotlight 15 August 2024 LIFESTYLE By Anushka Sharma Nikita Pawar: From Fashion Design To Digital Stardom 15 August 2024 LIFESTYLE RELATED POSTS Advertisement

  • TERMS & CONDITIONS | L'utopia Magazine

    Terms & Conditions Welcome to L’utopia Magazine! ​ These terms and conditions outline the rules and regulations for the use of L’utopia Magazine’s Website, located at ​ By accessing this website we assume you accept these terms and conditions. Do not continue to use L’utopia Magazine if you do not agree to take all of the terms and conditions stated on this page. ​ The following terminology applies to these Terms and Conditions, Privacy Statement and Disclaimer Notice and all Agreements: “Client”, “You” and “Your” refers to you, the person log on this website and compliant to the Company’s terms and conditions. “The Company”, “Ourselves”, “We”, “Our” and “Us”, refers to our Company. “Party”, “Parties”, or “Us”, refers to both the Client and ourselves. 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  • A look into actor, producer and designer Shama Sikander’s journey

    by Aparajita Jaiswal A look into actor, producer and designer Shama Sikander’s journey 30 June 2022 COVER STORIES Advertisement “Life is my biggest role model and people are my biggest inspiration.” In our recent interview with Shama Sikander , the actor gives us a gist of her acting journey. From filming movies (like Prem Aggan, Mann, Dhoom Dhadaka, Seven) to television shows (like Ye Meri Life Hai), Shama seems to have learnt extensively from her experiences. “My projects have taught me a lot about humans and life other than acting as well. Acting comes naturally to me. I feel ecstatic when I’m in front of camera. One gets a chance to put to life a character with their own imagination. Shooting films need more time and therefore, are a bit of an ease in comparison to television. Television is all about delivering the product. Nowadays, T.V shows are equally well made but films have their own charm. Overall, the journey has made me stronger and given me the courage to fight for myself.”, says the actor. A multitasker at hand, the actor adds two more achievements in her bag- owning a production company and a women’s wear fashion label named Saisha. Shama says “It feels empowering to own a production company. As for fashion, at the time I was going through a phase where I was looking for a change in my life. Hence, I wanted to venture into something other than acting as well so I started Saisha. It feels good and creative to be a designer.” Another cherry on the cake is the actor’s dream to start directing films and shows “sometime soon”. Having clarity in terms of future goals and plans in certainly a “plus-plus” and the actor seems to have a definitive agenda. “I am currently focusing on acting and working on a peppy dance-music video. I’m going through a couple of more scripts as of now and keeping my eyes open to collaborating on some good projects as a producer too. I want to utilise my acting ability to draw an impact in the coming years.” Moreover, the actor claims that she is rejoiced at the response her recent music video Majnu 2 alongside Mika Singh is receiving. Since the longest, being a public figure and in the spotlight has its set of positives and negatives. According to the actor, the “ups and downs” are a part of the job. Keeping such a mindset and reminding oneself of the true purpose as to entering the space and help actors in staying clear of negative thoughts and emotions. Shama deepens the conversation further when asked about her biggest role model to which she remarkably responds- “Life is my biggest role model and people are my biggest inspiration. We inspire each other through our vulnerabilities and strength all the time.” Shama ends the interview in a beautiful note by reminding her fans to love themselves through all the thick and thins existing in the universe. SEARCH Karishma Kotak Playing Her Innings In Fashion, Sports And Fitness COVER STORIES Musings With Maryam Zolghadr COVER STORIES Madhura Naik talks about the Life of an Actress COVER STORIES Kavya Thapar And Her Versatile Acting Career That Cuts Across Regional Lines COVER STORIES Ahsaas Channa Talks About Her Mother Being The Inspiration Behind Her Career COVER STORIES POPULAR POSTS Advertisement Advertisement By Anushka Sharma Komica Anchal: A Journey Of Perseverance, Passion, And Possibilities 11 September 2024 COVER STORIES By Anushka Sharma From Dream To Reality: The Rise Of Sameer Mark In The Fashion Industry 9 September 2024 COVER STORIES By Anushka Sharma From The Silver Screen To Human Rights Advocacy With Award Winning Actress Sheena Chohan 21 August 2024 COVER STORIES By Anushka Sharma The Journey Of Shilpa Joshi: A Musical Odyssey 6 August 2024 COVER STORIES RELATED POSTS Advertisement

  • CASHBACK OFFER | L'utopia Magazine

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  • Society

    By Rini Pathak A Glance In The Kshitij’23: A Euphoric Escapade 26 January 2024 SOCIETY Advertisement by Aparajita Jaiswal Breaking Stereotypes About Women and Motorcycles 1 June 2021 SOCIETY by Aparajita Jaiswal Labels are to be stuck on goods, not on people 1 June 2021 SOCIETY by Mudita Bagla Divorce - Not A Big Deal 24 January 2023 SOCIETY Advertisement by Anushka Singh Norway’s Impressive Art Of Recycling July 27, 2020 SOCIETY SEARCH Women Empowerment A mere concept or a real Concern SOCIETY Looking Through The Excellence Of ‘Jaali’ Architecture SOCIETY Why the Gender Pay Gap is Wide and Disturbing SOCIETY Festival of Stones SOCIETY The Pygmalion Effect SOCIETY POPULAR POSTS Advertisement By Anushka Sharma Uniting Voices, Shaping Futures: Dive Into Mun 2.0 At NIT Patna 8 September 2024 SOCIETY By Anushka Sharma These Healthy Habits Can Lower Your Risk Of Depression 31 August 2024 SOCIETY By Rini Pathak A Glance In The Kshitij’23: A Euphoric Escapade 26 January 2024 SOCIETY By Rini Pathak Mithibai Kshitij: Epitome Of Diverse Social Cause Empowerment 24 January 2024 SOCIETY By Rini Pathak Breaking Barrier And Redefining Inclusivity Conduct Of Para Events: Shaping Of A Better Future By Mithibai Kshitij 19 January 2024 SOCIETY by Mudita Bagla Divorce - Not A Big Deal 24 January 2023 SOCIETY by Aarti Singh A Good Woman 29 October 2022 SOCIETY by Akshaya Chandar The Pygmalion Effect 6 August 2022 SOCIETY by Rupashree Ravi Why the Gender Pay Gap is Wide and Disturbing 4 August 2022 SOCIETY by Aparajita Jaiswal Pad vs Banana 19 April 2022 SOCIETY by Aparajita Jaiswal Women Empowerment A mere concept or a real Concern 16 July 2021 SOCIETY by Aparajita Jaiswal Why is being Real underrated? 16 July 2021 SOCIETY by Aparajita Jaiswal The orientation of career in our country 1 June 2021 SOCIETY by Aparajita Jaiswal Feminism and what its not 1 June 2021 SOCIETY by Aparajita Jaiswal Labels are to be stuck on goods, not on people 1 June 2021 SOCIETY by Aparajita Jaiswal Data saving the future environment 1 June 2021 SOCIETY by Aparajita Jaiswal Breaking Stereotypes About Women and Motorcycles 1 June 2021 SOCIETY by Aparajita Jaiswal Wandering into the room of Virginia Woolf 1 June 2021 SOCIETY by Akash Khatri Busting Christmas Myths! 1 December 2020 SOCIETY by Anushka Singh Looking Through The Excellence Of ‘Jaali’ Architecture 1 December 2020 SOCIETY by Akash Khatri The Fractured Fairytale 1 December 2020 SOCIETY by Akash Khatri Single parenthood and family 1 December 2020 SOCIETY by Anadi Gupta How can antidepressants affect your life? 1 December 2020 SOCIETY by Akash Khatri Bullying 1 December 2020 SOCIETY by Akash Khatri Social deprivation 1 December 2020 SOCIETY by Akash Khatri International Men’s Day 1 December 2020 SOCIETY by Akash Khatri Simulation Theory: What if we were just illusions? 1 November 2020 SOCIETY by Akash Khatri Fitness in Lockdown 1 November 2020 SOCIETY by Anadi Gupta Therapy motivation 1 November 2020 SOCIETY by Anushka Singh Dear Earth 1 October 2020 SOCIETY by Anadi Gupta What’s FOMO? 1 October 2020 SOCIETY by Akash Khatri Black Hole Theory 1 October 2020 SOCIETY by Neha Pande Do I feel pretty? 1 September 2020 SOCIETY by Anadi Gupta Why India is the most depressed country in the world? 1 September 2020 SOCIETY by Anushka Singh Prostitution And Criminalization 1 September 2020 SOCIETY by Anushka Singh Norway’s Impressive Art Of Recycling 27 July 2020 SOCIETY by Neha Pande Love Yourself 27 July 2020 SOCIETY By Aparajita Jaiswal Reflecting on Our World’s Billionaires Despite Corona 27 July 2020 SOCIETY by Neha Pande Festival of Stones 27 July 2020 SOCIETY by Anadi Gupta Anxiety 27 July 2020 SOCIETY by Aparajita Jaiswal Femme fatale! 27 July 2020 SOCIETY by Akash Khatri Coping with Confinement 26 July 2020 SOCIETY Advertisement


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  • Suhani Shah Celebrating 25 years in Mentalism

    by Naisargi Devdher Suhani Shah Celebrating 25 years in Mentalism 2 September 2022 COVER STORIES Advertisement Even before understanding what fame and glamour is, a child understood what magic is! It was 26 years ago, that a 6 year old Suhani saw a ‘magic show’ and dreamt of becoming a magician. This marks her 25th year performing mentalism, as she still carries the charm and innocence that 7 year old Suhani did. Talking of it, there is a lot of glamour, a factor of ‘wow’, self-love and over confidence associated with the career transition. To which, she elaborately explains, “As a child, I kept talking of magic and fortunately, my parents honestly were extremely considerate about it. You know, my father spent 6 months looking for a tutor and basically putting across magic as my educational development, because somewhere my inclination towards magic was visible. And that was the age when I didn’t even understand what glamour or for a fact even fame is! So when my first show was grandly put about, the then Chief Minister attended it. That was exactly how my career began. So for me on a personal level, fame has been a part of my career, so has glamour, it existed then, it persists now, so never does overconfidence seem to be very much an issue to say.” Putting it simply, she brought about the point of growing up with talent. Queerly, to think of, does a child always begin with imagining that she would be a part of a mega industry rather than just performing for herself? That anticipation of where she’s being lead to marks a crazy confusion in the life of an artist. “To be completely honest, yes, I did think that the talent is leading me to some place grand. I could foresee my career with magic, art and what not around. However, I truly did never expect this transition, you know! I did never know I would be assimilated with a streaming, or filming culture. That for me has not just given me a new hypo graph to live up to but also, something I truly wanted to do. Having youthful energy, I wrote books over mentalism and magic, I had art shows to perform but none of it made me as satisfied as being a part of this industry makes me. That is the exact meaning for transition and unknowingly yet beautiful, I get pushed and mingled in the industry.” When the transition of career happens to be natural, there are a lot of changes one needs to adapt to. There was a demand for the talent I held, but it was never a career that I would want to perform. Thus till the pandemic hit, I really didn’t think of it. However, when the pandemic hit, the work stopped, I was barred from home and that was exactly when I began with YouTube streaming and making videos. So the transition was never sudden, it just happened slowly. I had to adapt, accept and identify that I was away from the stage, I had screens to connect with people to, and performing live had a very different sense. That adaption was actually challenging because it brought me to a stage where I had to recognise my career scope and recognize what exactly was to be done. You know, I didn’t go to school, I didn’t go to college, I was just working all the while, and now I was here where I had to sit and just do nothing. That was more challenging for me. So I remember, starting off with an online show, ‘Magic being performed online’, that somewhat pulled me through the pandemic dilemma. While streaming on YouTube was the exact game changer I was looking for because looking back, I was having fun doing it. Little did I know that it was the beginning of a novel spectrum of my career!” All this while, Suhani mentioned the Pandemic to be a revolution in all senses However, through all of this happening, there is a high doubt of where art forms are leading to when it comes to India, because there's a lot to do with glamour here as well. “A bit contrary to what you said, India is filled with art forms with diverse roots. It’s not even similar, there is a difference in totality. And truly, in my understanding, we are always attracted to glamour. You see a beautiful rose, its glamour, desire of living in a house I glamour, and that will always be appreciated but here it’s more about how you understand art to be. Because art is also glamorous, art also is beautiful and that goes hand in hand. The window to the world during the pandemic was their phones. People were seeing direction, cinematography and all of it came from art. And whatever the screens passed on to people was art. People eventually started valuing art, realising that when nothing works, and its art that they can rely on.” Mentioning the importance of art and growing up with it, there is a lot of superstitious association with magic. Dealing with which stands out from any coaching. “Since childhood, I was looked at as a ‘DEVI’, saying I can heal everything possible. Earlier, people confused me with a musician and there I had to sort out the exact meaning of a magician, after which, a lot of people came to me asking me to heal their illnesses or asking me solve their problems. This was exactly what shifted me away from any sort of superstitious association since childhood. I give ted talks speaking against superstitions. Hence I always say, ‘I CANNOT READ MINDS, I CAN CREATE AN ILLUSION OF READING MIND’.” Just adding illusions cannot definitely define it as magic. However, according to Suhani, Guzaarish is a movie that utilises pieces of magical elements. That’s exactly where she leaves you with… Wonder how to deal with magic, because every potential of yours is magic if you know how to use it!! It begins when Glamour meets Art #CinematographicMyst #ArtGrows #NotCharmingMinds #MagicOnRise #childhooddreams #Acculturation #Pamdemicsmashes #coverstory SEARCH Karishma Kotak Playing Her Innings In Fashion, Sports And Fitness COVER STORIES Musings With Maryam Zolghadr COVER STORIES Madhura Naik talks about the Life of an Actress COVER STORIES Kavya Thapar And Her Versatile Acting Career That Cuts Across Regional Lines COVER STORIES Ahsaas Channa Talks About Her Mother Being The Inspiration Behind Her Career COVER STORIES POPULAR POSTS Advertisement Advertisement By Anushka Sharma Komica Anchal: A Journey Of Perseverance, Passion, And Possibilities 11 September 2024 COVER STORIES By Anushka Sharma From Dream To Reality: The Rise Of Sameer Mark In The Fashion Industry 9 September 2024 COVER STORIES By Anushka Sharma From The Silver Screen To Human Rights Advocacy With Award Winning Actress Sheena Chohan 21 August 2024 COVER STORIES By Anushka Sharma The Journey Of Shilpa Joshi: A Musical Odyssey 6 August 2024 COVER STORIES RELATED POSTS Advertisement

  • SPRING FEST 2023 IIT Kharagpur - The Summit Of All Cultural Fests Is Here

    IIT Kharagpur SPRING FEST 2023 IIT Kharagpur - The Summit Of All Cultural Fests Is Here 24 January 2023 LIFESTYLE Advertisement Spring Fest 2023 is the annual social and cultural fest of IIT Kharagpur, a pioneer among all elite institutions. A mesmerising cultural extravaganza with a blend of art and adroitness from across the nation and abroad. A 4 day elixir bath giving an indelible lifelong experience leaving behind just beautiful memories to be cherished. The 64th edition of Spring Fest is set to unbox its magic from 26th to 29th January 2023. Spring Fest comes up with an enthralling theme every year. ' Ambrosial Arabia - A Voyage Through a Thousand and One Dreams' is the theme of Spring Fest 2023. A ton of events lined up ranging from dance, dramatics to humour, there is something for everyone. The adrenaline rush Silent DJ, Apricot Band and EDM night of NUCLEYA will drive you sleepless. BMX skills, Diabolo art by Aditya Tiwari, glittering fire art and many more. These ingenious artists will leave you stunned by their repertoire. The Pal night with Sunidhi Chauhan will enchant you with her melody. Come and be a part of this celebration at IIT Kharagpur. Know more at SF2020 aftermovie: Instagram: @iitkgp.springfest Facebook: Twitter: Spring Fest is the annual social and cultural festival of IIT Kharagpur, a pioneer in the elite institutions. It marks days of absolute ecstasy, providing the budding artists a competing platform in diverse fields such as music, dance, theatre, photography, literature, fine arts, quizzing and debating. It is an avenue to be comforted from the routine life and to embrace the fun and frolic embedded with tantalizing professional performances from India and abroad along with an addressal to the social responsibility with its underlying social theme. SEARCH Countdown To History: Omega Unveils Paris 2024 Olympics Countdown Clock And Special Edition Timepiece LIFESTYLE Juggling Law And Fashion: The Inspirational Journey Of Riddhi Nahata, A Multifaceted Influencer LIFESTYLE Join Shruti Yogi On Her Enchanting Journey From Kumkum Bhagya To Wanderlust Saga LIFESTYLE Personal Growth And Relatability: Ishita Khanna's Key To Influencer Success LIFESTYLE 6 Disadvantages Of Being Pretty LIFESTYLE POPULAR POSTS Advertisement Advertisement By Anushka Sharma From Dental Drills To Instagram Thrills: The Journey Of Mekhala Bawsay 16 August 2024 LIFESTYLE By Anushka Sharma Juggling Two Worlds: The Inspiring Journey Of Kritika Goel 16 August 2024 LIFESTYLE By Anushka Sharma Kanchan Serai: Balancing The Skies And The Spotlight 15 August 2024 LIFESTYLE By Anushka Sharma Nikita Pawar: From Fashion Design To Digital Stardom 15 August 2024 LIFESTYLE RELATED POSTS Advertisement

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