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  • All About Homebrewing: The Art of Making Probiotic Fermented Beverages

    by Rupashree Ravi All About Homebrewing: The Art of Making Probiotic Fermented Beverages 2 August 2022 FOOD Advertisement Advertisement From being gut-friendly and improving digestion to keeping you hydrated and healthy, there are a number of reasons why fermented beverages are finding favour with people all across the world. More and more people are drinking and making non-alcoholic beverages as it offers a host of benefits. Homebrewing, which is simply making beer or wine on a personal and small-scale level, is a hobby and a profession for many. The reason is, that it is high on flavour, low on alcohol, and does not require any fancy equipment. The process of fermenting and making probiotic drinks is very easy, anyone can do it. Homebrewing has become a great hobby and experiment that people are taking up in recent days. The basic idea is to brew a taste test batch of your favourite beverage at your home, be it Kombucha, Tepache, Ginger Beer, Red Table Wine, among a wide variety of options. It can be intimidating at first, but can be very rewarding, and cheap! All you really need is a big vessel, something fermentable, and some yeast. “There are a variety of beverages you can brew and once you get the basics down, it can be simple to add your own unique twist to a recipe.” A great way to start is by brewing a Hard Cider. The easiest method is crushing the juice from a batch of apples, putting it in a jug, and letting it ferment in a dark place for one to three weeks. Apple skins contain various natural yeasts, which end up in the apple juice when the fruit is pressed, but you can choose to add cider yeast which is great for fermentation. You can also add sugar and spices to enhance the taste. Another brewer’s favourite is the Kombucha, which is a great alternative to alcoholic beverages. It is naturally packed with probiotics and is made with water, tea, sugar, bacteria, and yeast. It starts out as a sugary tea, which is then fermented with the help of a SCOBY, an acronym for ‘Symbiotic Culture Of Bacteria and Yeast.’ It is refreshing, fizzy, slightly sour, and low in calories and sugar. You can ferment Kombucha for seven to ten days in a mason jar and close it shut with a tightly woven cloth and lid. Tepache is a fizzy fermented drink made from just pineapple skin, sugar, cinnamon, and water. Its taste can range from cider-like and sweet to yeasty like beer. The process is simple: add pineapple peels to a large jar, add sugar and cinnamon and drown them in water until the peels come to the surface of the jar. Let it ferment for one to three days. The longer it ferments, the less sweet and more yeast-flavoured it will become. You will know the tepache has fermented when you see many small bubbles on top. Refrigerate and enjoy your drink! A batch of Kombucha (left) and Tepache (right) kept for fermentation A sparking probiotic beverage that is very easy to make, Ginger Beer is a traditional remedy for nausea and digestion problems and is good for the throat. You will need to make a powerful fermented mixture, Ginger Bug to make this drink. The wild yeast or ginger bug is made by adding water, sugar, and finely chopped ginger to a glass container and letting it sit for twenty-four hours after stirring. Take the next two-three days to add the same amount of ginger and sugar every twenty-four hours until it becomes fizzy. Strain it and add lemon juice. Let it sit at room temperature for three to six days until it gets fizzy. Once they’ve reached that point, you can refrigerate them; but make sure you’re opening the top and burping them once a day. Ginger Beer and Red Table Wine are said to be great for health having healing properties To make a batch of Red Table Wine, add one cup of sugar into a bottle of purple grape juice, add a packet of wine yeast, pop in an airlock, and come back in a few weeks. Alternatively, you can add around three quarts of the juice to a glass jar, before adding six cups of sugar and a pack of yeast. With these amazing and easy-to-make beverages, you can start homebrewing some of your own in no time. It’s a healthy hobby and is definitely a skill that comes over a period of time. Ultimately, it will be worth all the time and effort. Moreover, it is the best way to take part in an age old tradition that stretches all the way back to the Neolithic! #Homebrewing #Fermentation #Probiotic #Kombucha #SCOBY #Tepache SEARCH How was Chocolate Born FOOD Virgin Territory: These non-alcoholic thirst quenchers are mixologist approved FOOD Tasting the sunny side of Christmas: Christmas Cocktails FOOD 5 Destinations You Must Head to Taste Wine in India FOOD Breakfast – Don’t miss! FOOD POPULAR POSTS Advertisement Advertisement By Anushka Sharma 7-Day Anti-Inflammatory Meal Plan For Anti-Ageing That Actually Works Like Magic 5 April 2024 FOOD By Anushka Sharma The Mind-Blowing History Of Butter Chicken 27 March 2024 FOOD by Aishwarya Let’s talk about the alcohol brands owned by celebrities 2 November 2022 FOOD by Aishwarya Tasting the sunny side of Christmas: Christmas Cocktails 2 November 2022 FOOD RELATED POSTS

  • Nikhita Gandhi construes her journey

    by Aarti Singh Nikhita Gandhi construes her journey 2 November 2022 COVER STORIES Advertisement In an exclusive interview with L’utopia, the “MAHARANI” of Indian pop, Nikhita Gandhi decodes her journey from learning and working with A R Rahman to Naach Meri Rani and then Maharani. Talking about the legend, A R Rahman, Nikhita added how creative he is with developing songs right from scratch. “AR sir is probably the most interesting and vastly talented person I’ve ever met. You can never be bored around him! He is constantly trying new things and learning and adapting and moulding his craft. It’s so inspiring! I’ve sat in on some sessions when he was composing a song from scratch, it was pretty incredible to watch his process. He is unbelievably quick with the DAW and production and it’s a treat to see the magic happen!” It is pretty clear that Nikhita herself is insanely creative when it comes to her songs. Take Maharani for instance. She further explained what this song portrays for her and what was the inspiration behind it. “MAHARANI celebrates women in the most breezy and effortless way. That’s what really resonated for me with this composition. I always wanted to do a song about women that didn’t necessarily have to stand up for women or sound like a “cause” and instead simply uplifts women in a cool casual POP way! That’s probably what I love the most about this record, it’s suave and fun and still can be meaningful.” There’s so much that goes behind every song. Each and every song is unique and has a distinct thought behind it along with a story. Such was the case with Maharani as well. “I was visiting my friends in LA after my India Tour ended in July this year, and of course these friends happen to be pretty epic musicians. I don’t think they need an introduction but Shankar Tucker and Vidya Vox were hosting us and so of course we got into the studio and they played us some of their music. Ironically this was a song that Shankar wanted to play me because they didn’t want to release the track and felt I might connect with it more. It was instant love for me. I told him it’s a great song and that I’d love to finish it! So, when I got back to India, I rewrote the lyrics in Hindi and changed it to mean what being a Queen to me is. And this song was born! The best thing about completing this whole process was the video shoot, because as it turns out Shankar and Vids were in India in September for a show and so I thought it would be perfect to have them cameo in the video while they were in town! The whole thing sort of just fell into place and that’s what I love about the journey of each song.” While talking about the direction of the music industry, Nikhita shared how on-screen representation helps an artist become more known and emerge fully. “I’m excited to see the music industry stand on its feet. Where a singer or composer is famous for his/her work and not an unknown entity in a film where the audience only identifies with the actors in it. I would love to see more of that. I think if Badshah can feature in his song, in a film then it’s only a matter of time that we see more and more artists represent their identity on screen as well! This is where the audience will truly identify with their artist and true fans will emerge!” She previously pointed out how the music scene is in an unsure yet exciting space. Elaborating that she added how we can see a lot of trial and error. “Like I mentioned a little earlier about not knowing what’s working, it definitely puts music investors in a complicated spot but makes the answer really easy for musicians- do what you do best, not what’s working; cause what’s working also may not work for you (lol). That may sound confusing but basically the best formula is no formula and just making music from the heart! Syncing on film artist’s music in films is also happening these days in India like the west which I think is amazing! A lot of credit for that goes to the Punjabi industry who have truly revolutionized certain perceptions of the non-film artist.” Further talking about the potential for musicians to grow in all the industries, Nikhita disclosed how she thinks that there is so much one can do especially now that the independent scene is also getting its own space and followers. “We see a rise in the hip hop scene and singer-songwriter space and honestly the power is with the people. I think anyone who spends a little time understanding how streaming and music distribution works, can figure out their music career and find their voice. I recently visited the inauguration of the new batch of a music school and interacted with the freshers. I was really delighted to see that a lot of them were not simply enamoured by the well sold image of the frontman but had serious aspirations- some wanted to be producers, some sound engineers and so on. I was happy to see that the youth knows what it wants and is intelligent enough to find its path!” Music has definitely gotten a boost due to the onslaught of social media. She pointed out how remarkable it really is. “It’s kind of amazing how in the most algorithmic and calculatable phases of humanity with apps and data, music is still so ineffable. A common phrase I’ve been hearing these days is “kuch bhi chal raha hai” (anything/everything is getting famous) or “we don’t know what works” which means no real formula can be applied to music and what really connects with people. One great thing about social media is that you are directly in touch with the world, a person sitting in Iceland can be a fan of a new artist emerging from a small town in Madhya Pradesh. What really blows my mind though is that not knowing what works- it’s sort of a testament to the fact that music will always be a very personal and wonderous experience and each listener will always interpret the same song differently- that is a timeless truth!” Nikhita feels that not just social media but live shows are also a great way to share creative space with the world, especially her fans and something that she absolutely loves. “What’s there not to love really? Being on stage is so exhilarating! It’s that weirdly gratifying mixture of nervousness and thrill and happiness like being on a rollercoaster, but better! On stage you get to share energies with your audience which I think is a very beautiful experience. It can many times be therapeutic and one of the purest forms of joy! In the India Tour I did early this year, there was a moment when I was singing my original Bura Na Mano Yaara and the audience was singing along, they knew the words that I had written, by creation. It felt so amazing I don’t think I could describe it.” She feels that her roots and values have been something that helped her grow as a person and as an artist. “I’m blessed with the most incredible parents. I don’t think anyone could ask for a better mother and father. Each day I try to be more like them and that’s what takes me forward. They are so hardworking and caring and giving and I think I could go on and on about them, but the truth is one thing they’ve always told me to stay grounded and humble and not change for anything.” On a bona fide note, she shared how although there have been challenges along the way, she likes to look at them as learning curves and puzzles that she gets to figure out. “The music industry like most artistic fields can be pretty volatile and some days can have way more clarity than others so it’s important to constantly self-actualise. Though a Bollywood and film music singer I’ve also parallelly been an indie artist trying to release her own songs and having to do everything from producing to shooting my own videos to editing them and it can all be very overwhelming. But I like to look at things in a good light and try to turn the obstacles into fun new things I get to learn. That’s pretty much how I started using music production DAWs and editing softwares, cause as they say, necessity is the mother of invention! It also helps when you genuinely enjoy doing all of it!” She feels that there’s always going to be conflicting advice and problems- dress glamorously, dress differently; charge more, charge less; be picky about your songs, don’t be picky and be accessible— there’s always all kinds of advice but at the end of the day you listen to that voice inside of you, and always ALWAYS do only what feels right. The ‘MAHARANI’ singer is also huge on body positivity and inclusiveness. “It really makes me happy to see that such conversations have begun and are normalised topics now. I remember growing up an insecure chubby girl who would always feel the need to overcompensate her size with her personality. I would feel that boys saw me as a friend and not a potential girlfriend because I wasn’t skinny, and would look at my thin friends and want a body like theirs. As I grew older, I realised how unidimensionally I was thinking and that all body types are sexy and beautiful and have their own charm. What were my “thunder thighs” or “fat legs” and how they became the hottest thing about me. It’s strange how far a little bit of self-confidence can take someone and I’m sure a lot of body insecure girls and boys must have had it worse. I’m so glad though that things have changed over the years but I think overall the media and TV still, by large, represents beauty standards in the old school way. We’ve just scratched the surface. But every step counts and I feel so happy to associate with a magazine that resonates with body positivity and puts a smile on the face of my younger self and hopefully many other kids too!” Lastly, Nikhita shared how like MAHARANI, she hopes to see more of her singles and self-composed releases also do as well as her film playback music. “That truly is one of my personal goals and visions. I want MAHARANI to be playing next to Naach Meri Rani and all my music to be loved equally! And for now, I have tonnes of more music coming your way that I can’t wait to share with the world” SEARCH Karishma Kotak Playing Her Innings In Fashion, Sports And Fitness COVER STORIES Musings With Maryam Zolghadr COVER STORIES Madhura Naik talks about the Life of an Actress COVER STORIES Kavya Thapar And Her Versatile Acting Career That Cuts Across Regional Lines COVER STORIES Ahsaas Channa Talks About Her Mother Being The Inspiration Behind Her Career COVER STORIES POPULAR POSTS Advertisement Advertisement By Anushka Sharma Komica Anchal: A Journey Of Perseverance, Passion, And Possibilities 11 September 2024 COVER STORIES By Anushka Sharma From Dream To Reality: The Rise Of Sameer Mark In The Fashion Industry 9 September 2024 COVER STORIES By Anushka Sharma From The Silver Screen To Human Rights Advocacy With Award Winning Actress Sheena Chohan 21 August 2024 COVER STORIES By Anushka Sharma The Journey Of Shilpa Joshi: A Musical Odyssey 6 August 2024 COVER STORIES RELATED POSTS Advertisement

  • The Modernity Of The Fashion Sphere

    by Shreya Satish Jorapur The Modernity Of The Fashion Sphere 19 February 2023 FASHION Advertisement Glamour, grandeur, glory… The fashion industry encapsulates these three G’s in an intriguing way, which has gradually integrated into our persistent everyday culture too. People are consistently amazed by the extravagance of fashion show, the models, the intricate designs, and their way of living. However, there are two sides of every coin and so is the case here. On the flip side of beauty lies all the perseverance and hardships that lead to it. Let’s discuss the multitude of aspects involved in this industry, assessing the repercussions and effects alike. The treatment of models in the industry is a conflict-inducing topic which can not be generalized. Acknowledgement of the body image issues, disordered eating behaviours, and mental turmoil that accompanies the occupation is very important. The repetitive cycles and beliefs that are ingrained in these models can be detrimental to their journey. In recent times, such issues have been brought to light and attempts towards redemption are being made by companies and authorities. Appreciable steps have been taken regarding inclusivity of gender, race, and body types. There is a plethora of diversity that can be observed in the ramps of today- walkers of different nationalities, identities, and bodies are celebrated and recognized in a widespread manner. Fashion represents cultures and creates a symphony. Heritage and history are also components in fashion. The efficiency, and most importantly, creativity of designers is showcased amazingly. ‘Over the Top’ and ‘Camp’ themes are in trend recently. Along with this, people have become more open to gender-neutral clothing and non-rigidity in fashion. Innovation plays a key role in keeping the audience engaged. Designers and distributers are assured in the popularity of non-conventional styles which majorly appeal to the youth of the time. Fashion has become a form of self expression too. Thousands of people use their clothing, accessories, and even make-up related endeavours to express their convictions, orientations, solidarities and distinct styles. It is an inclusive resort to tangible expressions of the self. Fashion can also be viewed as an art form. It stems from creativity, it blooms into something physical, and causes impression and amusement. Sometimes, even a pleasant overwhelm. The fashion industry has a growing scope for careers and educaton too. Students majoring in fashion for their degrees have multiple opportunities to flourish and prove themselves, be it amidst the public eye or behind the scenes. It is an impressive and unique path to lead towards. Events like the Met Gala, the Paris Fashion Week, and many others around the world provoke demand. Also, personality and beauty pageants like Miss Universe, Miss World, etc, along with their national level counterparts are huge factors too. Movies like ‘Fashion’ by Madhur Bhandarkar explore the personal journeys of models, designers, company leaders, and more, It is a well-rounded and eye-opening narration. Another movie with a personal narration of a prominent name and luxurious brand is ‘Coco Before Chanel’. The song ‘Victoria’s Secret’ by Jax is a call-out to the harmful standards and detections set up. It highlights the ‘Heads’ of the coin. Meanwhile, songs similar to ‘Fashion’ by Lady Gaga focus on the confidence and flair that fashion can ignite, representing the ‘Tails’ of the coin. There are several different aspects to this sector. Though it is not perfect, it does play a significant role in society and is of great influence to certain demographics. BLOB: Glitz and glamor on and around the ramp- what's the difference between then and now? Click and find out how the Fashion industry is molding itself "Style is a way to convey who you are without having to speak" #fashion #style #designer #movies #priyankachopra #rampwalk SEARCH The Rich Heritage of Indian Handloom FASHION Fashion In The 19th Century FASHION Colour Psychology in Fashion: Explained FASHION The Influence Of Kanye West On Fashion FASHION K-Pop Fashion And Its Impact On Global Wardrobe FASHION POPULAR POSTS Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement By Anushka Sharma Dubai Fashion Week Day Five: Emerging Talents, Cultural Heritage, And Global Fashion Dialogues 14 September 2024 FASHION By Anushka Sharma Marina Ignjat: A Journey Through Style And Travel 13 September 2024 FASHION By Anushka Sharma Anaya Collection Unveils "Gaudí’s Reverie" At Dubai Fashion Week: A Fusion Of Love, Technique, And Playful Elegance 11 September 2024 FASHION By Anushka Sharma Hebajasmi Unveils Captivating New Collection For SS25: A Masterpiece Of Art And Fashion 10 September 2024 FASHION RELATED POSTS

  • 5 Oldest & Famous Film Festivals in the World

    by Akash Khatri 5 Oldest & Famous Film Festivals in the World 1 December 2020 FASHION Advertisement Can you imagine a world without movies? Well, I cannot! We all rejoice watching films and film festivals play a vital part by binding the global film culture. Film festivals started back in the 20th century and at present there are almost 3000 active film festivals around the globe. Well, let us dive in and check out of the 5 oldest and famous film festivals in the world: Venice International Film Festival: The very first film festival is the very first film festival that commenced back on August 6, 1932. Initially, it started as a part of the Venice Biennale., which was one of the oldest art exhibitions in Italy. The festival is held in late August or early September on the islands of Lido in the Venice Lagoon. The highest award of this festival is Golden Lion, which is given to the best film screened in this film festival. Moscow International Film Festival: This film festival dates to 1935 but unlike most of the oldest film festivals it is not as famous as other film festivals. One of the reasons being, it was not held every year till 1999. But this is currently growing and attracting better movies and better filmmakers from around the globe. Locarno International Film Festival: This film festival was launched back in 1946 in Switzerland, just after World War II ended. This is held every year to date. The top prize of the festival is the Golden Leopard which is given to the best film in the international category! Cannes Film Festival: The origin of this film festival goes back to the year 1938-39. It is called as “Festival de Cannes” and started in France. The main reason behind starting this film festival was that the French wanted to compete with the Venice Film Festival. Golden Palm is the most prestigious award given to the best-screened film in this film festival. This film festival is held annually but in recent years this film festival has been in news for a lot of controversies! Berlin International Film Festival: This is also known as Berinale, was found in West Germany in the year 1952 (during the Cold War period). Berlin Film Festival has the largest public attendance with a minimum of 3,00,000 tickets sold (approximately) each year. The Golden Bear is the highest prize awarded to the best film at this film festival. #filmlover #awards #Goldenawards #filmmakers #filmfestivals #film SEARCH The Rich Heritage of Indian Handloom FASHION Fashion In The 19th Century FASHION Colour Psychology in Fashion: Explained FASHION The Influence Of Kanye West On Fashion FASHION K-Pop Fashion And Its Impact On Global Wardrobe FASHION POPULAR POSTS Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement By Anushka Sharma Dubai Fashion Week Day Five: Emerging Talents, Cultural Heritage, And Global Fashion Dialogues 14 September 2024 FASHION By Anushka Sharma Marina Ignjat: A Journey Through Style And Travel 13 September 2024 FASHION By Anushka Sharma Anaya Collection Unveils "Gaudí’s Reverie" At Dubai Fashion Week: A Fusion Of Love, Technique, And Playful Elegance 11 September 2024 FASHION By Anushka Sharma Hebajasmi Unveils Captivating New Collection For SS25: A Masterpiece Of Art And Fashion 10 September 2024 FASHION RELATED POSTS

  • Is Africa The Next World Leader In Fashion

    By Anushka Sharma Is Africa The Next World Leader In Fashion 20 March 2024 FASHION Advertisement In the vibrant tapestry of global fashion, Africa's presence is increasingly prominent, painting a picture of creativity, innovation, and economic prowess. With a burgeoning youth population, rapid urbanization, and the infusion of digital technologies, the continent's fashion landscape is undergoing a seismic transformation, poised to emerge as a formidable leader in the global fashion arena. From the bustling streets of Abidjan to the chic boulevards of Nairobi in Kenya, African cities are not only economic hubs but also veritable crucibles of fashion and design innovation. Despite facing challenges such as limited investment, nascent educational systems, and the imperative need for intellectual property protection, Africa's potential to shape the future of fashion remains undeniable. UNESCO's seminal report, "The African Fashion Sector: Trends, challenges, and opportunities for growth," unveiled in October 2023, illuminates the continent's trajectory towards fashion supremacy. Africa boasts a rich tapestry of raw materials, with 37 out of 54 countries producing cotton, rendering it a significant player in the global textile market. Moreover, the continent serves as both an exporter and importer of textiles, with a trade volume indicative of its burgeoning influence. A notable trend highlighted in the report is the growing demand for "Made-in-Africa" fashion, particularly among the youth demographic, who account for a significant portion of the continent's population. The burgeoning middle class further fuels this demand, catalyzing the emergence of new consumer markets and amplifying Africa's fashion footprint on the global stage. The digital revolution sweeping across Africa plays a pivotal role in fostering intra-continental trade and nurturing young talent. With 32 Fashion Weeks held annually, the continent serves as a crucible for haute couture, craftsmanship, and sartorial expression. The report forecasts a staggering 42 percent surge in demand for African haute couture over the next decade, underscoring the continent's rising prominence in the global fashion echelon. Despite the palpable momentum, UNESCO identifies four critical challenges that necessitate strategic interventions to unleash Africa's fashion potential. The most critical amongst these challenges is the imperative to bolster legal protections for designers and industry professionals, encompassing intellectual property rights, fair remuneration, improved working conditions, and the facilitation of professional unions. Investment in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) emerges as the second imperative, considering that these enterprises comprise 90 percent of Africa's fashion sector. Beyond their economic significance, SMEs serve as custodians of cultural diversity and are pivotal in fostering local employment opportunities, particularly for the continent's burgeoning youth population. Addressing environmental sustainability constitutes the third challenge outlined by UNESCO. While the fashion industry remains a significant contributor to environmental degradation, Africa possesses untapped potential to harness local materials, innovate sustainable textiles, and promote eco-conscious consumption patterns. Notably, the production of organic cotton fiber in Africa surged by 90 percent between 2019 and 2020, signaling a burgeoning movement towards sustainability within the continent's fashion landscape. Moreover, the report underscores the need to establish robust recycling channels to mitigate the environmental impact of the second-hand clothing market, which represents a significant segment of global imports. With 40 percent of discarded garments ending up in landfills, enhancing recycling infrastructure is imperative to foster a circular economy within the fashion industry. In conclusion, Africa stands at the precipice of a transformative epoch in the global fashion narrative. With its rich cultural heritage, burgeoning talent pool, and excellent, growing consumer base, the continent possesses all the prerequisites to ascend as a world leader in fashion. By surmounting challenges, fostering innovation, and embracing sustainability, Africa's fashion renaissance heralds a new dawn of creativity, inclusivity, and economic prosperity on the global stage. SEARCH The Rich Heritage of Indian Handloom FASHION Fashion In The 19th Century FASHION Colour Psychology in Fashion: Explained FASHION The Influence Of Kanye West On Fashion FASHION K-Pop Fashion And Its Impact On Global Wardrobe FASHION POPULAR POSTS Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement By Anushka Sharma Dubai Fashion Week Day Five: Emerging Talents, Cultural Heritage, And Global Fashion Dialogues 14 September 2024 FASHION By Anushka Sharma Marina Ignjat: A Journey Through Style And Travel 13 September 2024 FASHION By Anushka Sharma Anaya Collection Unveils "Gaudí’s Reverie" At Dubai Fashion Week: A Fusion Of Love, Technique, And Playful Elegance 11 September 2024 FASHION By Anushka Sharma Hebajasmi Unveils Captivating New Collection For SS25: A Masterpiece Of Art And Fashion 10 September 2024 FASHION RELATED POSTS

  • Shriya Saran Speaks Fondly Of Her Relationship With Her Loving Daughter, Radha

    by Aparajita Jaiswal Shriya Saran Speaks Fondly Of Her Relationship With Her Loving Daughter, Radha 22 February 2023 COVER STORIES Advertisement Shriya Saran, an Indian actress who works predominantly in Telugu, Tamil, and Hindi-language films though aspired to become a well-known dancer, she became an actress with her film debut in 2001 with the Telugu film Ishtam, and had her first commercial success with Nuvve Nuvve. Saran subsequently appeared in several more Telugu films alongside Hindi and Tamil films. In addition to her work in films, Saran has been the brand ambassador for brands across India, endorsing beauty and health products. She was also the brand ambassador for Celebrity Cricket League for its first two seasons. Shriya Saran is a versatile actress with a standing in multiple film industries, having done films in Tamil, Telugu, Hindi, English, Malayalam and Kannada. We are all looking forward to her upcoming projects, Kazaa with Upendra and Sudeep, Music school with Sharman Joshi and a show with Dharma. In a Candid interview with Aparajita Jaiswal she relays how grateful she is to be a part of cinema and having lived in a country that is so beautifully united even though we have such diverse cultures and inhabit disparate worlds of thought. She talks about taking a flight from Delhi to Hyderabad and how that experience changed her life, opening her to a range of cultures and then eventually learning multiple languages including Tamil. “This journey has taught me everything that I am today and it has made me stronger. It has made me understand the power of cinema and how beautiful it is. I’m so grateful that I’m part of cinema. Also, I feel it’s beautiful how language changes the flavour of people. Every language has a different sense of humour and different ways of telling stories but one thing that unites cinema is that one ‘camera’ that we act for and that one ‘action and take’. It’s magic that happens and that’s what makes us alive. I am so grateful I’m part of the cinema.” Shriya Saran speaks about her experience working with Ajay Devgn, one of Bollywood’s gems and a legend. “With Ajay Devgan, I have worked in Drishyam 1, Drishyam 2 and RRR. Thankfully with Krishna’s blessings, they have all been very big hits. It was a pleasure working with someone as trained and as articulate as he is. He lights up the camera, he lights up the screen and he’s a very giving actor. He speaks with his eyes and expresses so beautifully with his eyes. He’s a wonderful actor. He gives a lot to the actor he works with too. It’s just amazing to work with him.” Today’s world and today’s cinema is perceivably about beauty and the visual arts. Shriya talks about going back to her pre-pregnancy shape, being a public figure. “It’s a visual medium and I’m an actor. Visually, everything has to be perfect when I’m on stage and when I’m in front of the camera. So, there is the stress of losing weight and today, we live in an Instagram world where everything has to be perfect. There are filters and what not. I feel like it’s about the pressure that you put on yourself today. Today, I’m very respectful of my body and I love what my body has done for me. I’m very grateful for it, I’m very grateful to Krishna for my body and for my health. I’m moving towards being healthy, doing a lot of yoga, dance and kathak. It’s more about competing with my own self and being a better version of myself than trying to look like somebody else.” Therapy for mental health issues amongst men and women in today's age and climate is a must and a rising issue. Shriya Saran comes forward to speak more about it. “I think that it is very interesting that mental health is being addressed, thanks to a lot of people. Somebody who really came forward and spoke a lot about it is Deepika Padukone and then Alia Bhatt’s own sister spoke about it. I was talking to Ishaan and his wife spoke a lot about it. So, a lot of people who talked about it were more honest about what they were feeling before it was supposed to be not cool to talk about it but now it’s more normalized and I’m very grateful to all the beautiful people who came out and spoke about mental health.” Shriya Saran also talks about women empowerment and how it should be about equality more than anything else. “I think women empowerment for me is all about getting equal rights for women and men and respect. Just giving us equal opportunities and actually stop asking questions like ‘How will you work now that you are with child?’ Or ‘How will you work now that you are married?’. Just creating a space which is very favourable and easy for women to work.” Women empowerment means strengthening women with all the rights of social, economic, and educational needs. It is to create an environment having no gender inequality for women. It is to empower them with equal rights in the family, society, community, and workplace. Everyone loves seeing Shriya and her relationship with Radha on her Instagram. She speaks very fondly of her as she says, “‘The mother’ has changed everything in me. Radha is everything to me. She’s my life, she’s my sunshine. I see her feet on the sand when she runs and when she touches water, her little fingers and she says these little little words: ‘Mama’, ‘Papa’. It’s just beautiful, every day’s a new day. I love her. She’s making me a better person. I love my work more now and I feel like today, I want to make her proud and everyday I’m at work, I’m on the set, I want to make her proud. I want her to watch my films one day and say ‘I love what you’ve done, Mama. I’m very proud of you.’" SEARCH Karishma Kotak Playing Her Innings In Fashion, Sports And Fitness COVER STORIES Musings With Maryam Zolghadr COVER STORIES Madhura Naik talks about the Life of an Actress COVER STORIES Kavya Thapar And Her Versatile Acting Career That Cuts Across Regional Lines COVER STORIES Ahsaas Channa Talks About Her Mother Being The Inspiration Behind Her Career COVER STORIES POPULAR POSTS Advertisement Advertisement By Anushka Sharma Komica Anchal: A Journey Of Perseverance, Passion, And Possibilities 11 September 2024 COVER STORIES By Anushka Sharma From Dream To Reality: The Rise Of Sameer Mark In The Fashion Industry 9 September 2024 COVER STORIES By Anushka Sharma From The Silver Screen To Human Rights Advocacy With Award Winning Actress Sheena Chohan 21 August 2024 COVER STORIES By Anushka Sharma The Journey Of Shilpa Joshi: A Musical Odyssey 6 August 2024 COVER STORIES RELATED POSTS Advertisement

  • How To Find And Where To Look For Your Ikigai

    by Aarti Singh How To Find And Where To Look For Your Ikigai 29 October 2022 LIFESTYLE Advertisement Ikigai (生き甲斐), a Japanese concept which means purpose of living. To put it simply, a reason of being. The cause for which you wake up every morning. Something that gives you direction in life. Something that moves you and gives you a reason to keep trying, keep going on, no matter what. Your purpose needn’t be as huge as World Peace. Infact the one time you should be truly and genuinely selfish is while looking for the purpose of your life. Your purpose should be yours only. It should be special and personal to you. Afterall it’s yours. It’s yours to build, it’s yours to work upon, it’s yours to wake up to, it’s yours to sleep to, it’s yours to dream, it’s yours to achieve. Your purpose, your calling is the one thing in the world that is completely yours and no one else can take it from you. Your reason does not need to make sense to anyone but you. And you know what, it should not. It makes sense to you, and that’s enough because you’re the only one who gets a say in this matter. You might think that the most critical decisions in your lives are maybe your choice of subject, or your partner, or maybe the college you want to go to. But no, the most important decision of your life is whether you really want to find your purpose or whether you want to lead a life without ever knowing your full-potential. Because your full potential can only be unlocked when you’re doing something you love whole heartedly and believe in. Your Ikigai is something so very personal. Just like that diary you made when you were a teenager. Your purpose consists of all your failures, your hardships, your success, your attempts, your good days, your bad days, your self-doubt, everything. But most importantly, it has seen you try even when you were at your lowest and were considering to give up. But you know what the most tiresome part of this process is? It’s not the numerous failures. It’s definitely not the self-doubt. It is the search. The search for you Ikigai. The search for your purpose. Maybe you haven’t found your purposed yet. Or maybe your purpose hasn’t found you yet. But that, my friend, is the beauty of it. That you can go look for it yourself. You can look for it right now if you want. Look for it in the deepest darkest crevices of those nights where nothing seemed to make sense, look for it in the firs ray of sunshine on the mornings which felt like a new start, look for it in the classes that always felt useless, look for it in the clouds which were too stormy and in the silver rays of hope which shone after it, look for it in the daydreams that you’d rather live in and look for it in the nightmare you never wanna relive. Your reason will start as a dream initially. It will seem like something that you have to achieve one day. Sometimes it may also seem like a hazy wish but you have the power to make it your reality because it isn’t something you achieve, no, it is something that you cherish everyday as you wake up. It is not a pedestal, it is something in you, that makes you, you. Your purpose should be yours only. It should be special and personal to you. Afterall it’s yours. SEARCH Countdown To History: Omega Unveils Paris 2024 Olympics Countdown Clock And Special Edition Timepiece LIFESTYLE Juggling Law And Fashion: The Inspirational Journey Of Riddhi Nahata, A Multifaceted Influencer LIFESTYLE Join Shruti Yogi On Her Enchanting Journey From Kumkum Bhagya To Wanderlust Saga LIFESTYLE Personal Growth And Relatability: Ishita Khanna's Key To Influencer Success LIFESTYLE 6 Disadvantages Of Being Pretty LIFESTYLE POPULAR POSTS Advertisement Advertisement By Anushka Sharma From Dental Drills To Instagram Thrills: The Journey Of Mekhala Bawsay 16 August 2024 LIFESTYLE By Anushka Sharma Juggling Two Worlds: The Inspiring Journey Of Kritika Goel 16 August 2024 LIFESTYLE By Anushka Sharma Kanchan Serai: Balancing The Skies And The Spotlight 15 August 2024 LIFESTYLE By Anushka Sharma Nikita Pawar: From Fashion Design To Digital Stardom 15 August 2024 LIFESTYLE RELATED POSTS Advertisement

  • From Alexandria To Dubai: The Inspiring Journey Of Mennatallah Ali

    By Anushka Sharma From Alexandria To Dubai: The Inspiring Journey Of Mennatallah Ali 14 August 2024 BEAUTY Advertisement Advertisement Mennatallah Ali’s story is one of passion, perseverance, and a deep love for beauty and fashion. Originating from the bustling coastal city of Alexandria, Egypt, Mennatallah's journey into the world of beauty began at a young age. She was enamored with fashion, beauty, and skincare, which laid the foundation for her future endeavors. Her early foray into the beauty industry saw her working as a makeup model. However, she soon realized the inconsistency in professional makeup services and took it upon herself to master the craft. After completing a makeup course, she began doing her own professional makeup, showcasing her skills and personal style. The turning point in her journey came when she moved to the UAE. Initially, she took a break from her passion but soon recognized the plethora of opportunities in Dubai, a city known for its dynamic and diverse culture. Encouraged by the vibrant environment, she ventured into covering events, reviewing products, and collaborating with beauty shops. Although her initial efforts were intermittent, Mennatallah resolved to pursue her passion full-time, aiming to make a significant mark in the influencing and blogging world. Mennatallah speaks highly of the fashion and beauty culture in the Middle East, particularly in Alexandria, where trends ignite quickly and spread like wildfire. She credits the region’s rich tradition in fashion for her inspiration, mentioning renowned designers like Hani Al-Bahiri, who are well-known for their exquisite bridal gowns. Living in Dubai has most definitely offered Mennatallah a unique advantage. Unlike the conservative nature of Egypt, Dubai's openness and diversity provide her with the freedom to explore and express her creativity. This freedom, she believes, is a significant factor in her growth as an influencer . The influencer industry in Dubai, she notes, is vibrant yet seasonal, with different times of the year bringing varying levels of activity based on religious and cultural festivals. Mennatallah’s love for Indian cinema is another interesting facet of her personality. A devoted fan of Bollywood, she fondly recalls skipping school to watch movies and can name films just by their scripts. Her admiration for actors like Shah Rukh Khan, Salman Khan, and Hrithik Roshan adds a touch of global culture to her local Egyptian and Emirati experiences. Looking ahead, Mennatallah is heavily focused on expanding her influence in the Gulf region. She plans to take courses to understand social media algorithms better and aims to grow her follower base significantly. Her ultimate goal is to establish a strong presence in the UAE before potentially returning to the competitive market in Egypt with a well-established profile. Mennatallah's journey from beauty to fashion is a testament to her dedication and resilience. Her story is not just about personal success but also about the broader narrative of pursuing one's passion in a rapidly changing world. As she continues to evolve and make her mark, Mennatallah Ali stands as an inspiring figure for aspiring influencers and content creators everywhere. SEARCH Home Ingredients That Dermatologists Swear By BEAUTY How Koreans Eat And Drink Their Way To Beautiful Skin BEAUTY Nykaa Unveils Its New Luxe Store In The Pink City: A Beauty Haven At Horizon Tower BEAUTY How Young Is Too Young For A Skincare Routine BEAUTY This Is What Will Happen If You Stop Using All Skincare Products For Three Months BEAUTY POPULAR POSTS Advertisement Advertisement By Anushka Sharma Discover Invoyen’s Ultimate Skincare Trio: Face Cleanser, Moisturizer, And Sunscreen 24 August 2024 BEAUTY By Anushka Sharma The Rise Of Korean Beauty Trends In India With Shruti Sharma 15 August 2024 BEAUTY By Anushka Sharma From Alexandria To Dubai: The Inspiring Journey Of Mennatallah Ali 14 August 2024 BEAUTY By Anushka Sharma 5 Face Cleansers That Are Taking The Market Of Skincare By A Storm 13 August 2024 BEAUTY RELATED POSTS

  • Cancel Culture

    by Akash Khatri Cancel Culture 1 November 2020 LIFESTYLE Advertisement Cancel culture, a social media phenomenon where active social media users seek to remove the clout of a celebrity who says or does something offensive by ‘cancelling’ them. Basically, the ‘cancel’ here means to cancel out or end a person’s career in reaction to his or her unacceptable behaviour or action. For instance, if there is a celebrity or any public figure who makes a misogynistic, racist, casteist, or sexist statement or commits an act of sexual crime, there could be calls to boycott the actor’s films and other works, exile him or her from all public events and disconnect the person from all the social alliances. As a result, the person is ‘cancelled’ culturally, socially, economically and politically. There are two types of cancel culture, first one a call-out culture. Here, the responsible individual is mortified publicly on social media for his or her statements and the resulting outcry hold them accountable for their fallacy. The second variant is more serious. Here, the celebrity is called out on social media and a larger mass boycotts his or her products or services, eventually bringing a full stop to their careers. Most of the times it gets much wider and substantial or controversial but the immense recognition cancel culture enjoys, especially among teenagers and young adults, makes it one of the most controlling movements in recent times. One of the main critiques of cancel culture is that it’s making people more bigoted, quick to judge and banish those who even slightly disagree with them. Cancel culture doesn’t leave any room for constructive discourse because social media users often deliver a quick decision, based on a snap judgment, to a celebrity they view as offensive — leaving no opportunity for them to put forward their explanation on their act and make their case against their own ‘cancellation.’ But people tend to forget — whether a celebrity is canceled or not, it is up to the celebrity themself, not on those wanting to cancel them. Though targeting someone will not just affect them, but their mental health and the livelihood of many related to them, and that’s not just. However, ending someone’s career completely is easier said than done. Not many entities have had their careers completely shut down due to the negative views on the internet. Actor and activist Jameela Jamil, has said that this phenomenon is a “pointless waste of time.” But, then again, the term is utilsed among so many, that to figure out if the phenomenon is negative or positive have been made indistinct. The principal questions are: Has social media simply given another name to something that is going to exist for a lifetime? Does this phenomenon really exist when cancelling someone doesn’t mostly work forever? Does the idea of being cancelled stop awful content? Or is it just another trend that is being followed blindly? SEARCH Countdown To History: Omega Unveils Paris 2024 Olympics Countdown Clock And Special Edition Timepiece LIFESTYLE Juggling Law And Fashion: The Inspirational Journey Of Riddhi Nahata, A Multifaceted Influencer LIFESTYLE Join Shruti Yogi On Her Enchanting Journey From Kumkum Bhagya To Wanderlust Saga LIFESTYLE Personal Growth And Relatability: Ishita Khanna's Key To Influencer Success LIFESTYLE 6 Disadvantages Of Being Pretty LIFESTYLE POPULAR POSTS Advertisement Advertisement By Anushka Sharma From Dental Drills To Instagram Thrills: The Journey Of Mekhala Bawsay 16 August 2024 LIFESTYLE By Anushka Sharma Juggling Two Worlds: The Inspiring Journey Of Kritika Goel 16 August 2024 LIFESTYLE By Anushka Sharma Kanchan Serai: Balancing The Skies And The Spotlight 15 August 2024 LIFESTYLE By Anushka Sharma Nikita Pawar: From Fashion Design To Digital Stardom 15 August 2024 LIFESTYLE RELATED POSTS Advertisement

  • Benefits of Green Tea

    by Tanya Gupta Benefits of Green Tea 16 August 2022 LIFESTYLE Advertisement Green Tea is made by steaming the leaves of Camellia Sinesis plant which was first found in China during emperor Shennong's reign. It is available in the form of loose leaf , instant powder, capsule,oil and tea bag. Consumption of green tea has various health benefits . It helps in weight loss, regulates blood sugar level,aids digestion, improves cardiovascular and mental health , enhances cognitive functioning and helps in curing skin problems. Drinking a cup of green tea, I stopped the war. - Paul Reps Apart from consuming green tea , it can also be applied on skin .Green tea packs prevent sagging of skin,fine lines, wrinkles,help in treating acne and pimples and help one in maintaining a healthy skin. Some green tea packs which can easily be made at home are: 1. Mixing green tea powder, orange peel powder and honey 2. Mixing green tea powder, turmeric and honey 3. Mixing freshly brewed green tea ,honey and lemon Green tea oil is also used to treat skin, hair and body problems.It helps in preventing hair loss, wrinkles, reducing acne and pimples, soothes muscles and helps in reducing dark circles. The famous Jasmine tea and Matcha are also derived from green tea. Jasmine tea has green tea as its base and jasmine flowers are added into it. It is known as ' Sepin- cha'. It improves one's physical and mental well - being. Matcha is made by adding boiled water to ground green tea leaves . It has a smooth and rich flavour and is used in the special Japanese Tea Ceremony and added to lattes, smoothies and baked goods. Green tea is also used in making chocolates. In Japan, one can find green tea flavoured Kit Kat, Pocky's, Melty Kiss and ROYCE'S chocolate. #greentea #health #mentalhealth #skincare #matcha #jasminetea #chocolates SEARCH Countdown To History: Omega Unveils Paris 2024 Olympics Countdown Clock And Special Edition Timepiece LIFESTYLE Juggling Law And Fashion: The Inspirational Journey Of Riddhi Nahata, A Multifaceted Influencer LIFESTYLE Join Shruti Yogi On Her Enchanting Journey From Kumkum Bhagya To Wanderlust Saga LIFESTYLE Personal Growth And Relatability: Ishita Khanna's Key To Influencer Success LIFESTYLE 6 Disadvantages Of Being Pretty LIFESTYLE POPULAR POSTS Advertisement Advertisement By Anushka Sharma From Dental Drills To Instagram Thrills: The Journey Of Mekhala Bawsay 16 August 2024 LIFESTYLE By Anushka Sharma Juggling Two Worlds: The Inspiring Journey Of Kritika Goel 16 August 2024 LIFESTYLE By Anushka Sharma Kanchan Serai: Balancing The Skies And The Spotlight 15 August 2024 LIFESTYLE By Anushka Sharma Nikita Pawar: From Fashion Design To Digital Stardom 15 August 2024 LIFESTYLE RELATED POSTS Advertisement

  • Wine Tasting Is An Art

    by Akash Khatri Wine Tasting Is An Art 7 July 2022 FOOD Advertisement Advertisement “Wine gets better with age & I get better with wine” if this phrase sounds familiar then this article is for you. In case you are a wine-lover, I do not need to explain you the types of wine available out there and surely the concept of “wine tasting” is not new to you. But did you know about the 5 S’s of wine tasting? If yes, great! If not, then you must not leave this article as this article is going to talk exactly about it. Wine tasting is nothing less than an art and there are precise and well defined steps for the same. Let us jump directly to these 5 “S” of wine tasting: See: Well, I am sure you have been fascinated about the different colors of wine available in the market. So the very first step is all about seeing through the wine and this is a very important step while tasting wine. The color should be examined well while tasting wine and for this very reason most of the times the wine is served in a room which is having white background. The color will give you a clue about the variety of grapes used and the age of the wine. Experts suggest taking your wine in “stemmed wine glass”. Do not forget to tilt the glass against the white background to see the true color of the wine. Swirl: Taking the wine poured glasses and then slightly twisting it in the air definitely looks very fancy. But do you know why this step is so important? Because while swirling, the wine gets the required amount of oxygen to “open up, as in the aroma of the wine starts to hit your olfactory senses. This step helps wine to absorb oxygen and oxygen helps wine to break down and eventually softens which is a good thing! Sniff: Now that from your previous step you could unleash the aroma of the wine, it’s important to take a good note of the same. For that you need to sniff the wine and let the aroma sink in your nostrils to enable you to understand the sources of the fine wine that you are about to taste! Sip: Now that you have got yourself accustomed with the aroma, it’s important for you to take a good sip of the lovely wine from your stemmed wine glass. Take a good sip and whirl it around in your mouth for like 4-5 seconds before gulping it down. Try and understand if you can evaluate any distinct taste. Savor: This is kind of an after-taste experience. Once you have gulped down a few sips of the wine in question, try and examine for how long the taste stays in your mouth. Whether you experienced any particular dominating taste or it was well balanced. Experts say if the after-taste lingers over 20 minutes in your mouth then my friend you have experience an exceptionally good wine! Now that you know the steps well for tasting wine please go and grab yourself a place in one of the wine-tasting tours! Cheers! #art #sip #redwine #swirl #wine SEARCH How was Chocolate Born FOOD Virgin Territory: These non-alcoholic thirst quenchers are mixologist approved FOOD Tasting the sunny side of Christmas: Christmas Cocktails FOOD 5 Destinations You Must Head to Taste Wine in India FOOD Breakfast – Don’t miss! FOOD POPULAR POSTS Advertisement Advertisement By Anushka Sharma 7-Day Anti-Inflammatory Meal Plan For Anti-Ageing That Actually Works Like Magic 5 April 2024 FOOD By Anushka Sharma The Mind-Blowing History Of Butter Chicken 27 March 2024 FOOD by Aishwarya Let’s talk about the alcohol brands owned by celebrities 2 November 2022 FOOD by Aishwarya Tasting the sunny side of Christmas: Christmas Cocktails 2 November 2022 FOOD RELATED POSTS

  • 10 Must Try Classic Cocktails

    by Akash Khatri 10 Must Try Classic Cocktails 7 July 2022 FOOD Advertisement Advertisement You can’t go wrong with a classic cocktail. Whether you’re craving a tried-and-true Dark N Stormy, or a posh Cosmo. Here are 10 must try Classic Cocktails. COSMOPOLITAN: The origin of the Cosmopolitan is disputed. But one popular story is that the Cosmo was created by a college student named Neal Murray. He did not get the job just because of the management’s racism. But once while they were all away for a weekend for an event, the staff snuck him in. In three days, they trained him. And by the time the management returned, his talent and skill made them accept him as the new bartender. One night he was experimenting with the cocktail, Kamikaze. He discovered that adding a splash of cranberry juice to the drink gave it a delightful pink color, and a delicious fruity punch. When someone asked him what it was, he said he didn’t know. The customer responded by calling it “very Cosmopolitan”, which is how it got the name. SCREWDRIVER: Why would one call a drink made of vodka and juice “screwdriver”? The screwdriver originated when American Oil workers in the oil fields of Turkey, started adding vodka to their orange juice, for an extra kick. And since they didn’t have any spoons handy, they stirred it with screwdrivers. That explains the name. And since they weren’t supposed to be drinking on the job, “Screwdriver” was an easy way to refer to it without ginning it away. TOM COLLINS: In 1874, there was a mass prank going around in New York in which people used to tell their friends that a man named Tom Collins had been spreading nasty rumors about him or her in a nearby bar. People would then go to the local pub and ask for Tom Collins. The bartender of the pub heard that joke too many times and got an idea. After that, the next time somebody ran into the bar demanding to see Tom Collins; the bartender gave a refreshing gin cocktail. LONG ISLAND ICED TEA: A consistent theme with classic cocktails- the Long Island Iced Tea also has multiple origin stories. Some claim the drink originated during the prohibition, when an older gentleman with an entrepreneurial spirit created a cocktail to look like iced tea as a way to drink by disguise. Not only did the iced tea look aesthetic, but also having five different alcohols definitely added to the appeal. MARTINI: Martini is a mixture of gin and dry vermouth. In the early 1860s, people used to frequently go to the Occidental Hotel in San Francisco and order bartender Jerry Thomas’s special mixture of gin and dry vermouth. And then they would take an evening ferry to the nearby town of Martinez. The bartender later named his signature cocktail ‘Martini’ in reference to the destination people headed to after consuming the drink. MOJITO: A 16th century in Cuba holds resemblance to the modern-day Mojito. This mixture of mint, rum, sugar, and lime juice was originally made with a harsh liquor called aguardiente. The lime juice and sugar used to cut the hard taste. The name of the drink comes from a Cuban spice made from limes, called mojo. BLOODY MARY: In the 1920s, Fernand Petiot, an American mixed up equal parts tomato juice and vodka. A patron in the bar suggested he call the drink “Bloody Mary.” He said it reminded him of the Bucket of Blood Club in Chicago, and a girl he knew there named Mary. When he took the recipe to New York, the people weren’t too impressed at first. They said the drink tasted a bit bland. He added black pepper, cayenne pepper, Worcestershire sauce, lemon and a splash of tabasco pepper sauce, for those who wanted it. And that’s how an American classic was born. DARK N STORMY: Made of spicy ginger beer and rich Gosling’s Black Seal dark rum, the drink allegedly got its name from an old sailor who compared the drink’s murky hue to the color of storm clouds. An old fisherman commented on how it looked, comparing it to a cloud “only a fool or dead man would sail under.” It’s an unproven legend. But the drink’s connection to the joys and dangers of seafaring is well-established. BELLINI: This delightful wine cocktail is a blend of white peach puree and Prosecco. Giuseppe Cipriani, started mixing up the fruity tipples in 1934 and the pink color of the drink reminded him of a saint’s toga from a painting by Italian Renaissance artist Giovanni Bellini. Thus, he named his cocktail ‘Bellini’ in honor of the painter and his artwork. MARGARITA: There is an old drink which is a mix of brandy, triple sec, and lemon juice; called the Daisy. A bartender in Tijuana, Mexico was making a Daisy and accidentally grabbed a bottle of tequila instead of brandy. The accident became a hit at the bar. And it was then made famous as a new drink called Margarita, the Spanish word for the Daisy. SEARCH How was Chocolate Born FOOD Virgin Territory: These non-alcoholic thirst quenchers are mixologist approved FOOD Tasting the sunny side of Christmas: Christmas Cocktails FOOD 5 Destinations You Must Head to Taste Wine in India FOOD Breakfast – Don’t miss! FOOD POPULAR POSTS Advertisement Advertisement By Anushka Sharma 7-Day Anti-Inflammatory Meal Plan For Anti-Ageing That Actually Works Like Magic 5 April 2024 FOOD By Anushka Sharma The Mind-Blowing History Of Butter Chicken 27 March 2024 FOOD by Aishwarya Let’s talk about the alcohol brands owned by celebrities 2 November 2022 FOOD by Aishwarya Tasting the sunny side of Christmas: Christmas Cocktails 2 November 2022 FOOD RELATED POSTS

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