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  • Keeping it real with fashion & lifestyle influencer of the year Hofit Golan

    By Aparajita Jaiswal Keeping it real with fashion & lifestyle influencer of the year Hofit Golan 5 April 2022 COVER STORIES Advertisement Hofit Golan’s (Lifestyle, Fashion, Travel Influencer) interview with Manya Vadehra was quite a refreshing piece. With each question asked, she showcased positivity and the importance of valuing oneself. She won the title of Forbes Influencer of the year (2021) and has walked the ramp for several fashion weeks, including The Paris Fashion week in March 2022. She has modelled for brands such as Elisabetta Franchi and made significant appearances at The Venice Film Festival (2021) and Cannes Film Festival (2021). Hofit Golan’s entry into the fashion world was quite “by chance”. The influencer claimed that her first gig came as an opportunity from a relation of hers, trancing her journey as a “fashion entrepreneur”. She has actively contributed to organisations such as Global Angels Foundation, an international charity inspiring disadvantaged communities around the world to grow sustainably. According to her- “It is important to look at the bigger things in life. Even though I am an influencer, contributing to the society and maintaining healthy relations is way beyond that” Health and fitness are essentials in her lifestyle, and she motivates everyone to look after their body and mind and have a positive outlook towards it. When asked which amongst Runway catwalk, cover shoots and television and film acting she enjoys the most, she reveals- “None out of them. They all are a part of my job but being with my loved ones and meeting new people is what matters the most. I enjoy doing them all as part of my career, however I don’t look at them in the bigger picture”. Hofit Golan’s Instagram Bio says she is a Crypto Queen. When asked about NFT and Metaverse, here is what she had to say- “I think cryptocurrency and Metaverse are revolutionary developments in technology. There is massive technological growth and are huge inventions to invest in, especially in today’s era” Being a public figure and, therefore, shining in the spotlight can also have a negative side in terms of social media trolling. Hofit gives a positive outlook on such situations by saying- “If that is the case, the one stop solution is to simply block people. There is no need to give value to someone’s opinion who you may or may not know. It is not necessary for you to listen to such trolls. Personally, I received trolling way before I entered the space of social media but for those who are facing it, just learn to focus on yourself. Nothing is more important than your personal well-being. Therefore, prioritise that and everything else shall fall in place.” Hofit’s methods and manners of living life to the fullest are indeed inspiring. Her message to her fans and to the readers of the interview is to believe in themselves and their capabilities. “There is so much that you can do. Just believe that you are on the right path and keep going. You have got this” #Fashion #lutopia #LutopiaMagazine SEARCH Karishma Kotak Playing Her Innings In Fashion, Sports And Fitness COVER STORIES Musings With Maryam Zolghadr COVER STORIES Madhura Naik talks about the Life of an Actress COVER STORIES Kavya Thapar And Her Versatile Acting Career That Cuts Across Regional Lines COVER STORIES Ahsaas Channa Talks About Her Mother Being The Inspiration Behind Her Career COVER STORIES POPULAR POSTS Advertisement Advertisement By Anushka Sharma Komica Anchal: A Journey Of Perseverance, Passion, And Possibilities 11 September 2024 COVER STORIES By Anushka Sharma From Dream To Reality: The Rise Of Sameer Mark In The Fashion Industry 9 September 2024 COVER STORIES By Anushka Sharma From The Silver Screen To Human Rights Advocacy With Award Winning Actress Sheena Chohan 21 August 2024 COVER STORIES By Anushka Sharma The Journey Of Shilpa Joshi: A Musical Odyssey 6 August 2024 COVER STORIES RELATED POSTS Advertisement

  • 5 Ways To Know “He is Just not that into you”

    by Akash Khatri 5 Ways To Know “He is Just not that into you” 1 September 2020 LIFESTYLE Advertisement Crushing over someone and hoping that it will be all reciprocated back one day or maybe you are dating someone with the hope of long term plans and all you get is mixed signals? On some days you just feel that “Wow, he must be so much into me” and the very next moment you question that very thought you had. We all go through that emotional dilemma. So, don’t worry you are not the only one who is facing this alone. Let’s cut it short and let’s see the pointers which should not be overlooked in this case, which is definitely screaming out loud that HE IS JUST NOT THAT INTO YOU. Less Curious: Remember the time when you were so excited to even see his name flashing in your inbox and were so excited to know about his day but did not get the same kind of excitement from his end? Well, that is a sign screaming that he is less curious to know about you, about your day and about your hobbies. Well, that surely indicates a lack of interest from his end. So my dearies, whoever has faced this, please stop right there. No point chasing someone who is not ready to chase you or for that matter does not want to be chased! Closed: Maybe you want to share your stories from your life with him. Maybe he is a good listener too! But when you show your curiosity to know more about his life, he simply ignores to answer or refuses to open up about those with you. Well, I do agree there are few people who take some time to open up but hey, that cannot be a forever thing. So, if even after a few dates or meet ups he is not ready to open up much to you about himself and his life. Then, darling, you know what it means! Not An Initiator: If he lets you plan everything without taking a slightest of interest in those planning activities or even does never bring up the topic to go out with you as much as you ask him or plan things then again you should get it clear that maybe he is just being nice not to avoid your plans directly but he is not yet into you to actually take initiatives to plan things out. Bummer right? But ask yourself if you will really want this to continue and whether this will actually make you happy in the long run? If it says NO then you know you need to stop thinking about this guy. Priorities: Well, we all love to be the priority and not the option in friendships, relationships or dates. So, if he is always putting other things over you directly or indirectly then you know what you really need to know! You are smart and you should know when to walk away or walk in. No Acknowledgement: If he has not introduced you to his friend circle even as a friend then you know your position and importance in his life. Acknowledgments are really important in case you are really planning for something long term. So care for that self-respect darling and you know what will it tell you better than I pen it down here. So, this list is pretty much it to say the guy you are having in your mind and heart is having the same thing from his end for you or not! It is totally okay if you are simply crushing over someone! But in case you are seeing someone or dating, someone, then it is important for both of you to be on the same page. Otherwise, it will only lead you to heartaches and breaks. But trust these feelings, they only clear the path in your life for someone more worthy than this guy you are currently obsessed about. Things do fall in place at the right time. Just remember one thing, God gives us the people we need and deserve not always the ones we want. Keep the faith alive and never stop believing in love and miracles. Cause miracles happen when you believe in them! P.S. In case you are a guy and reading this and could relate then these filters do apply for your situation as well..!! #Sad #Love #Acknowledgement #Curious #Crush #5ways #Reality #Lover #Boyfriend #Intoyou #Datingadvices #Dating #Truth SEARCH Countdown To History: Omega Unveils Paris 2024 Olympics Countdown Clock And Special Edition Timepiece LIFESTYLE Juggling Law And Fashion: The Inspirational Journey Of Riddhi Nahata, A Multifaceted Influencer LIFESTYLE Join Shruti Yogi On Her Enchanting Journey From Kumkum Bhagya To Wanderlust Saga LIFESTYLE Personal Growth And Relatability: Ishita Khanna's Key To Influencer Success LIFESTYLE 6 Disadvantages Of Being Pretty LIFESTYLE POPULAR POSTS Advertisement Advertisement By Anushka Sharma From Dental Drills To Instagram Thrills: The Journey Of Mekhala Bawsay 16 August 2024 LIFESTYLE By Anushka Sharma Juggling Two Worlds: The Inspiring Journey Of Kritika Goel 16 August 2024 LIFESTYLE By Anushka Sharma Kanchan Serai: Balancing The Skies And The Spotlight 15 August 2024 LIFESTYLE By Anushka Sharma Nikita Pawar: From Fashion Design To Digital Stardom 15 August 2024 LIFESTYLE RELATED POSTS Advertisement

  • 8 Elementary Ways To Practice The Attitude Of Gratitude

    by Anushka Singh 8 Elementary Ways To Practice The Attitude Of Gratitude 1 December 2020 LIFESTYLE Advertisement “Life is like a river. You can’t touch the same water twice because the flow that has passed will never pass again.” And, in this river-like life, time flies like the flow and is long passed till you acknowledge its value. We being humans, ignorant as we are, mostly forget to appreciate little things in life while there’s time and either complain or regret after its gone. Practicing gratitude can be an absolute game changer in our lives as it brings us closer to reality and the relatedness of everything in this world. Gratitude is that common key which unlocks uncountable doors to peace and well-being, both of our soul as well as our body, in numerous ways. It adds a little more essence to our lives by making us understand the importance of being grateful to what we have and appreciate life as it happens. As the scientific studies and research affirms, the feeling and expression of Gratitude has limitless positive outcomes. Be it your personal relationships, work life, mental health or even your immune system, Gratitude has its reflection over everything and aids to make you feel more alive. We often feel weak and baffled by those tough complex situations in our lives when we fail to find a way out or at least feel like it. In phases like these, people who practice gratitude usually come up with the reminder that even in the gloomiest moments, there’s always a beam of light shining through the darkness to make you recognize the brighter parts of every situation. There’s always a good hidden in the bad and your choice to uncover it with an open heart and mind is what makes everything worthwhile. The must known fact about practicing gratitude is, you don’t have to reserve it for epochal moments but notice it in the littlest of wins like you managing to witness the sunrise, getting free from your work before-time, a little chit-chat with a stranger on a shared cab or merely a hot cup of tea, it all depends on your perspective. People who are grateful, are the ones who are more stress resistant and know the art of celebrating life by living in the present. Here are 10 elementary steps to building your attitude of gratitude. Keep a gratitude journal ~ The most practiced way is maintaining a Gratitude journal and has resulted to be very effective. All you have to do is make a rough record or list of things that you felt grateful for. You don’t need to prepare a whole long list everyday and feel bounded about it but simply add one or more little things that made you smile and feel grateful, on a daily basis. This practice increases your ability to acknowledge things you usually fail to notice. Express your love and appreciation ~ Expression of what you feel is powerful and gives a sense of satisfaction and bliss. Write notes or letters to people you love, people who made you happy someday or simply the ones who were kind to you and you appreciate their act. Nurture your friendships and embrace what you have by sharing what you feel. This makes the other person happy as well and that reciprocation multiplies your satisfaction. The expression of your positive feelings also help in building good relationships and bridges the communication gap. Avoid negative media and switch to positive ~ Our senses, what we see and hear influences our actions and mood. Watching and listening to negative media brings you closer to negativity which starts reflecting in your behaviour as well. Try on watching positive videos, listening to soothing music, reading good books, all of this will help you notice and appreciate the good in the world and influence your behaviour positively. This helps people giving and attracting positive vibes which are very important to live and lead a healthy life. Observe the beauty of nature ~ A famous known and understood fact of life is, fall in love and find the beauty in things that would always stay along and you’d never need to search for it when you need it. Nature is one such beautiful part of our lives that won’t leave our side once you fall in love with it. The soothing wind, the sound of sea waves, colours of sunset shining through the clouds, the flower blooming as if smiling at you, these things are eternal and always makes you smile once you start understanding its beauty. The sky full of stars and you star-gazing can never feel lonely. Observing the beauty of nature brings happiness to your life by simply existing. Involve yourself in the acts of kindness ~ Join a cause that matters to you or get yourself involved in social work. Enrolling with an NGO can be a good idea but if not something in that large of scale, try doing small acts of kindness daily. Helping old aged people with whatever they need in a situation, feeding stray dogs, donating your old clothes or maybe just giving ten bucks extra to the street vegetable vendor without trying to bargain can be counted as your acts of kindness. The moment you start appreciating what you have by comparing yourself with the ones who have less and not more than you, you’ll understand the importance of having a giving nature and will start helping people out with whatever you can. The humbleness you show while doing such things makes you feel good about yourself subconsciously which later on helps you feel positive about yourself. Avoid criticizing, gossiping and talking negatively ~ You become what you feed your mind, what you believe, what you speak and what you surround yourself with. If you keep criticizing people and notice what their flaws are in your perspective, you’ll end up becoming a gloom-ridden person who fails to find and look at the plus of others and not minus. This gets reflected in our personality easily and we develop a negative vibe. Instead of gossiping around about somebody else’s life or criticizing them, try on appreciating them for what they are good at and notice the same. Nobody is perfect and everybody has flaws, our wisdom lies in accepting them while helping them out of it and not by discussing about their lives. You also must surround yourself with people who have an uplifting nature. Stop complaining ~ Like our happiness multiplies by expressing and sharing, the same happens with every other emotion. If you complain about situations in your life, the more you think and talk about it, the more it strengthens up in your heart and mind. You must understand the fact that there’s always gonna be difficulties and problems throughout your life and you’ll have to deal with it alone. What can be changed is the way you look at it, the way you perceive it. Try on having a positive approach towards your problems. Instead of feeling sad over it, try finding out what you got to learn through it. Try analyzing the whole phase and telling yourself what you’ll take forward about it and what you’ll leave behind. Make sure what you take forward is what helps you grow and not keep you stuck with the past. Start and end your day with gratitude ~ Be thankful for each day you’re gifted and take it as an opportunity to become a better person. Keep in mind that the gratitude you’re practicing is for your own good and your kind actions are just a source that lead you to the peace. Remind yourself that you’re worthy of all the bliss and ready for all the difficulties; for whatever happens, happens for good. Just like you begin your day with gratitude, end it the same way. It can be a little prayer or just a thanks, a text message of appreciation to somebody or a pat on your back while telling yourself that you made the day a good one with no regrets but happiness and peace. Some of the psychological aspects of practicing gratitude are the higher level of positive emotions, alertness and awakeness towards life everyday, more optimism, peace and happiness. Gratitude also assists our health by resulting with balanced blood pressure, good sleep, stronger immune system and makes us less bothered about the pain and aches. The attitude of gratitude not only helps us in multiple ways but the people around us as well. Our life is a sum of both good and bad. We learn and grow through our experiences. The sense of acceptance and gratitude brings us closer to the ultimate meaning of life and helps us live it to the fullest and isn’t that the best return gift to life? SEARCH Countdown To History: Omega Unveils Paris 2024 Olympics Countdown Clock And Special Edition Timepiece LIFESTYLE Juggling Law And Fashion: The Inspirational Journey Of Riddhi Nahata, A Multifaceted Influencer LIFESTYLE Join Shruti Yogi On Her Enchanting Journey From Kumkum Bhagya To Wanderlust Saga LIFESTYLE Personal Growth And Relatability: Ishita Khanna's Key To Influencer Success LIFESTYLE 6 Disadvantages Of Being Pretty LIFESTYLE POPULAR POSTS Advertisement Advertisement By Anushka Sharma From Dental Drills To Instagram Thrills: The Journey Of Mekhala Bawsay 16 August 2024 LIFESTYLE By Anushka Sharma Juggling Two Worlds: The Inspiring Journey Of Kritika Goel 16 August 2024 LIFESTYLE By Anushka Sharma Kanchan Serai: Balancing The Skies And The Spotlight 15 August 2024 LIFESTYLE By Anushka Sharma Nikita Pawar: From Fashion Design To Digital Stardom 15 August 2024 LIFESTYLE RELATED POSTS Advertisement

  • How was Chocolate Born

    by Tanya Gupta How was Chocolate Born 13 August 2022 FOOD Advertisement Advertisement Chocolate is one of the most favourite sweet of people. Whether it's a kid or an adult , can never say no to a chocolate. However, chocolate as we see today in various shapes, sizes and flavours was a bitter drink when it was discovered. When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile. - Regina Brett It was discovered 4000 years ago in Mexico. Mexicans were the first ones to recognize the value of cocoa seeds in the Amazon forest.They believed that they were the gifts of the God of Wisdom . That time chocolate was served as a bitter liquid brewed from cocoa seeds and mixed with spices . The Mexicans passed on their knowledge to the Mayas. They not only consumed cocoa beans but also used them for transactions. Mayan chocolate was much more thicker and combined with honey or water along with spices.The Aztecs liked drinking chocolate in a cold form. In Spain, chocolate was prescribed by doctors to cure fever, aid in digestion and as a painkiller. In 1828, the cocoa press was invented which squeezed cocoa butter from cocoa beans, resulting in the formation of fine cocoa powder.The powder was then mixed with liquids and molded to form hard solidified chocolates which we eat today. #chocolate #chocolatehistory #Mexico #chocolatelover #cocoa SEARCH How was Chocolate Born FOOD Virgin Territory: These non-alcoholic thirst quenchers are mixologist approved FOOD Tasting the sunny side of Christmas: Christmas Cocktails FOOD 5 Destinations You Must Head to Taste Wine in India FOOD Breakfast – Don’t miss! FOOD POPULAR POSTS Advertisement Advertisement By Anushka Sharma 7-Day Anti-Inflammatory Meal Plan For Anti-Ageing That Actually Works Like Magic 5 April 2024 FOOD By Anushka Sharma The Mind-Blowing History Of Butter Chicken 27 March 2024 FOOD by Aishwarya Let’s talk about the alcohol brands owned by celebrities 2 November 2022 FOOD by Aishwarya Tasting the sunny side of Christmas: Christmas Cocktails 2 November 2022 FOOD RELATED POSTS

  • New York Fashion Week Fall Collection

    by Akash Khatri New York Fashion Week Fall Collection 1 January 2021 FASHION Advertisement New York Fashion Week is one of the “Big 4” fashion weeks in the world and is held semi-annually each year in February and September. This year all the live shows struggled to follow their conventional path due to pandemics, New York fashion week was no exception either and for months fashion designers struggled to cope with the “new normal” but definitely came up with some amazing collection. As pandemic has changed the trend of fashion to some extent and with most of the people working from home, the New York fashion week showcased the basic yet chic versions of the clothing rather than going all hunky-dory and glittery. The main cause taken up by most of the fashion designers was “Sustainable fashion” that would protect our environment and in times of such crisis like we are in 2020, giving attention to the environment and global warming is essential. One off-putting thing that the New York fashion week missed is to witness a few of the famous designers participating in New York fashion week’s fall collection. Although looking at the brighter side, the absence of few famous and well-known designers created room for the new and younger designers to shine through. Few names that won heart in the New York Fashion Week fall collection of 2020 are: Marc Jacobs: He highlighted more of the basics in an old school way. A-line coats and Mini shift dresses were the major highlights from his collection. Marina Moscone: She is known for her minimalistic styling. However, she surprised everyone in the fall collection and came up with some sexy options for the evening, some suits, and even used leopard prints for gowns. Prabal Gurung: He expressed his New York fall collection as a love letter to the city which deeply is fascinated about fashion and colours. He showcased the love for glamour meticulously via suits to gowns to jackets. Khaite: She presented her collection as a tale of two women from two different worlds which blended so perfectly and did not even urge us to choose a side either. Such diligently worked collection. There were far too many talented designers who gave everyone major fashion goals and showed how fashion would probably look like in the coming year. Hope you guys have taken note of how suits, A-line dresses, and animal prints and evening gowns won heart at the fall collection in New York fashion week and would keep your wardrobe updated accordingly. SEARCH The Rich Heritage of Indian Handloom FASHION Fashion In The 19th Century FASHION Colour Psychology in Fashion: Explained FASHION The Influence Of Kanye West On Fashion FASHION K-Pop Fashion And Its Impact On Global Wardrobe FASHION POPULAR POSTS Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement By Anushka Sharma Dubai Fashion Week Day Five: Emerging Talents, Cultural Heritage, And Global Fashion Dialogues 14 September 2024 FASHION By Anushka Sharma Marina Ignjat: A Journey Through Style And Travel 13 September 2024 FASHION By Anushka Sharma Anaya Collection Unveils "Gaudí’s Reverie" At Dubai Fashion Week: A Fusion Of Love, Technique, And Playful Elegance 11 September 2024 FASHION By Anushka Sharma Hebajasmi Unveils Captivating New Collection For SS25: A Masterpiece Of Art And Fashion 10 September 2024 FASHION RELATED POSTS

  • Ways to be kind to yourself

    by Neha Pande Ways to be kind to yourself 1 September 2020 LIFESTYLE Advertisement Be kind to yourself; your body, your soul and your mind because if you are not kind and loving to yourself then who will be? In today’s fast paced life we at times forget to take care of ourselves and when even a tiny thing doesn’t go according to our plan we start to feel low; beating ourselves over that one tiny mishap. During times like these we must take a step back and be kind to ourselves. Mishaps happen, problems and issues occur but we must stay strong and be kind to ourselves. Keeping that in mind we have made a list of ways which will help you be kinder to yourself. Take some time out for yourself – Take a break, take a time out and call it your day. Everyone needs rest and at times the best way to love yourself and be kind to yourself is to take a break and rest your body, soul and mind. Let yourself recharge and get ready for days to come. Go on a little vacation or if you can’t then take some time out to read your favourite book, watch a movie, cook, bake or go for a spa! Sky’s the limit; but make sure whatever you do, it relaxes you and makes you happy. Call a Friend – At times all we need is to call someone and vent all our troubles out and that’s why, when in doubt you go call your best friend. Friends can always hype you up and make you feel like you are on top of the world. Calling someone also helps you solve a lot of issues and helps you realise your self worth making you feel loved and appreciated. Just pick up your phone and call or in Sam Smith’s words “I’m only one call away, I’ll be there to save the day.” Give yourself a pep talk – “Hey you! You are stunning and beautiful!” Pep talks are essential especially on a low day. Instead of counting all the flaws in you, celebrate the good in yourself. Practice the art of pep talks; go stand in front of the mirror and remind yourself of how beautiful you are and how much of an amazing person you are. Take a nap – Why do you think babies are so happy most of the times? Studies have shown that taking naps can definitely make a person be energised and happy. Naps are like the super tablets that a person needs to be happy and if you are happy and energised you’ll be more kind too yourself. One nap a day will definitely make all you worries go away. Go for a walk or exercise – Go out into the world and breathe in the fresh air letting go of your worries. Walks and working out will not only keep you healthy and active but will also keep you fresh and happy. So pop in your earphones and blast some Beyoncé as you go workout or some Sam Smith for calm peaceful walks. SEARCH Countdown To History: Omega Unveils Paris 2024 Olympics Countdown Clock And Special Edition Timepiece LIFESTYLE Juggling Law And Fashion: The Inspirational Journey Of Riddhi Nahata, A Multifaceted Influencer LIFESTYLE Join Shruti Yogi On Her Enchanting Journey From Kumkum Bhagya To Wanderlust Saga LIFESTYLE Personal Growth And Relatability: Ishita Khanna's Key To Influencer Success LIFESTYLE 6 Disadvantages Of Being Pretty LIFESTYLE POPULAR POSTS Advertisement Advertisement By Anushka Sharma From Dental Drills To Instagram Thrills: The Journey Of Mekhala Bawsay 16 August 2024 LIFESTYLE By Anushka Sharma Juggling Two Worlds: The Inspiring Journey Of Kritika Goel 16 August 2024 LIFESTYLE By Anushka Sharma Kanchan Serai: Balancing The Skies And The Spotlight 15 August 2024 LIFESTYLE By Anushka Sharma Nikita Pawar: From Fashion Design To Digital Stardom 15 August 2024 LIFESTYLE RELATED POSTS Advertisement

  • Fashion, Makeup and Lockdown

    by Neha Pande Fashion, Makeup and Lockdown 1 October 2020 FASHION Advertisement When the lockdown started we all thought it would all go downhill for the fashion and makeup industry. We even thought that individual fashion and makeup would stay till pajamas or a nice lip gloss. But we all were proven wrong because fashion, makeup and lockdown are going hand in hand, especially for individualistic fashion. People are flourishing with their personal sense of style as now we all have time to understand what we love and what will look good on us. Yes, we were in a slump in the start and hoping this would end but now the world is beating to its own rhythm and even if we are stuck at home we are not letting that affect our sense of fashion. Big brands are getting spring lines out and even Selena Gomez’s makeup line Rare came out. People are trying new things and getting more creative. Skin care and self care is at its peak and people are finding their own styles and their love for fashion which they were either too shy or too scared to find. Lockdown has given people a chance to break away from criticism and to break away from their routine fashion. 2020 has given birth to a new era of grunge mixed with softness and also given a stage to mix and match various looks together. The hype of 2020 is layering and mixing things together. Sweater vests layers with polo shirts and a nice tennis skirt are back in fashion. Tennis skirts, white sneakers, sweater vests, polos, crop tops, button ups and straights jeans are essential pieces to store in your closet. In terms of jewellery, Chunky statement necklaces or earrings with a side purse are essentials for every outfit. Soft grunge is in fashion during this lockdown making things more pastel yet edgy with chunky shoes, statement necklaces, skirts or cargo pants with crop tops or cute cardigans back in style. The makeup during the lockdown is either experimental and artistic or natural dewy because of skin care at peak. SEARCH The Rich Heritage of Indian Handloom FASHION Fashion In The 19th Century FASHION Colour Psychology in Fashion: Explained FASHION The Influence Of Kanye West On Fashion FASHION K-Pop Fashion And Its Impact On Global Wardrobe FASHION POPULAR POSTS Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement By Anushka Sharma Dubai Fashion Week Day Five: Emerging Talents, Cultural Heritage, And Global Fashion Dialogues 14 September 2024 FASHION By Anushka Sharma Marina Ignjat: A Journey Through Style And Travel 13 September 2024 FASHION By Anushka Sharma Anaya Collection Unveils "Gaudí’s Reverie" At Dubai Fashion Week: A Fusion Of Love, Technique, And Playful Elegance 11 September 2024 FASHION By Anushka Sharma Hebajasmi Unveils Captivating New Collection For SS25: A Masterpiece Of Art And Fashion 10 September 2024 FASHION RELATED POSTS

  • Building Opportunities And Expanding Horizons: An Interview With Actor Or Writer Meghana Kaushik

    by Aadhya Venkatesh Building Opportunities And Expanding Horizons: An Interview With Actor Or Writer Meghana Kaushik 30 June 2022 COVER STORIES Advertisement Meghana Kaushik is a multitalented actress and writer who aspires to do great work in the entertainment industry. Wishing to leave her mark, she thrives on the competition she faces. Meghana identifies the kind of work that she needs to do to justify her talent. "As an artist, your goals are clear to you", she says. While speaking about recognizing opportunities, she said that one must always be prepared for the golden opportunity, ready to strike it with complete determination when it does occur. Stemming from the need to create such 'golden opportunities' for herself and others, she began writing for the screen. "As a writer, I can tell stories and narratives that I, as an actor, would like to act in". Meghana also believes that writing stories that she believes in will allow her to talk about subjects that need to be voiced. Meghana comes from theatre and has trained with Barry John as she always believes in improving her craft. Her foray into acting has been a learning curve. Belonging to a family with no connection to the industry, she had to learn everything about the process from scratch. The downside to this is that she has been dropped from many projects because she is not well-connected or comparatively well-known. She hopes that she can eventually work with creators that "cast actors based on their talent instead of social media follower count". Wishing to travel the world with her career, she wants to stand out in her field. She sees herself on the world stage, winning internationally acclaimed awards for her work while simultaneously creating a space of recognition for Indian talent. Currently, she is working on two feature films, one of which she is co-writing. Her inspiration in the field ranges from Madhubala, Waheeda Rehman, Sridevi and Alia Bhatt in the Indian film industry to icons such as Audrey Hepburn, Meryl Streep, Amy Adams, Natalie Portman, and Emily Blunt, amongst others. One of the easiest roles Meghana has played to date has been Nikita from Love, Lust, and Confusion. She believes that the character helped bring out her alter-ego, a person who was free-spirited, fashionable and non-judgmental about life and choices. Meghana strives to be a leader in a world full of followers. She urges those around her to remain positive in their lives and not let our differences and flaws bring us down. She propagates empowerment through acceptance of personal flaws with flair and grace. "Set yourself small goals to start with, and love yourself first" is the mantra she wishes to share. In a message to the youth, she pushes them to take charge and pave the way for the world to become a better place. She champions everyone to use their energies to protect fundamental human rights and promotes education for all. "We always need to be mindful and dream big. It is pertinent that we do not get caught up in mediocrity". All Meghana wants is for people to get over being lazy and take charge of their own lives, ultimately initiating a change that starts at the individual level. SEARCH Karishma Kotak Playing Her Innings In Fashion, Sports And Fitness COVER STORIES Musings With Maryam Zolghadr COVER STORIES Madhura Naik talks about the Life of an Actress COVER STORIES Kavya Thapar And Her Versatile Acting Career That Cuts Across Regional Lines COVER STORIES Ahsaas Channa Talks About Her Mother Being The Inspiration Behind Her Career COVER STORIES POPULAR POSTS Advertisement Advertisement By Anushka Sharma Komica Anchal: A Journey Of Perseverance, Passion, And Possibilities 11 September 2024 COVER STORIES By Anushka Sharma From Dream To Reality: The Rise Of Sameer Mark In The Fashion Industry 9 September 2024 COVER STORIES By Anushka Sharma From The Silver Screen To Human Rights Advocacy With Award Winning Actress Sheena Chohan 21 August 2024 COVER STORIES By Anushka Sharma The Journey Of Shilpa Joshi: A Musical Odyssey 6 August 2024 COVER STORIES RELATED POSTS Advertisement

  • Anaya Collection Unveils "Gaudí’s Reverie" At Dubai Fashion Week: A Fusion Of Love, Technique, And Playful Elegance

    By Anushka Sharma Anaya Collection Unveils "Gaudí’s Reverie" At Dubai Fashion Week: A Fusion Of Love, Technique, And Playful Elegance 11 September 2024 FASHION Advertisement Dubai Fashion Week 2024 witnessed a breathtaking intersection of art, architecture, and fashion with the debut of Anaya Collection’s latest couture line, "Gaudí's Reverie," for the Spring/Summer 2025 season. Opening Couture Day 3 of this prestigious event, Anaya captivated attendees with a stunning presentation inspired by the genius of Spanish architect Antoni Gaudí. The collection, titled “Gaudí's Reverie,” is a vivid homage to the artist’s philosophy of love, technique, and boundless creativity. Gaudí, celebrated for his fusion of organic forms with intricate artistry, has long been a source of fascination for creatives across disciplines. For Chathuri, the creative director of Anaya Collection, this admiration was deeply personal. “To do things right, first you need love, then technique,” a famous Gaudí quote, resonated powerfully with her when she visited the Sagrada Familia museum in Barcelona. This sentiment became the foundation of the collection, where love and precision merge to create garments that are as emotionally moving as they are technically flawless. Reflecting on Gaudí’s visionary approach to blending nature with art, "Gaudí's Reverie" draws inspiration from the architect's signature use of organic forms, vibrant mosaics, and dynamic color palettes. The collection's journey into the whimsical and sublime brings Gaudí’s ethos to life, offering an exquisite visual narrative woven with fabrics, textures, and colors that mimic the bold creativity of Gaudí’s architectural masterpieces like Park Güell and Casa Batlló. Chathuri explained the profound impact of Gaudí’s work on the Anaya design process, emphasizing how his philosophy aligns with the brand's values. “Our designs are born out of love, but they are brought to life through technique,” she said. This seamless connection between the emotional and technical elements of design is evident in the craftsmanship behind each piece in the collection. A Celebration of Gaudí’s Artistic Vision The collection is a vibrant homage to Gaudí's artistic mastery, where every detail—down to the last bead—mirrors the architect’s celebrated style. Surfaces are adorned with intricate hand embroidery and beading, reminiscent of the colorful mosaics that define Gaudí’s works. Fabrics such as glass organza and double-weave satins are carefully manipulated to mimic nature-inspired motifs, a nod to Gaudí’s ability to draw beauty from the organic world. The craftsmanship extends to the use of hand-dyed ombré beaded tulles and fabric draping techniques that resemble the dynamic movement of Gaudí’s forms. Particularly striking is the incorporation of 3D draping, laser cutting, and ombré color dyeing, which pay tribute to the architectural layers and the unique interplay of light and shadow that Gaudí so masterfully achieved in his buildings. Each piece of the collection embodies the spirit of his work, combining joyful vibrancy with profound attention to detail. The vibrant color palette, ranging from earthy tones to bright hues, echoes the mosaic artistry of Park Güell and the sweeping forms of Casa Batlló. The collection’s silhouettes, which are fluid and dynamic, exude a sense of playful freedom—a quality that defines both Gaudí’s architecture and the ethos of Anaya Collection. These garments are not just fashion pieces; they are living, breathing artworks that invite the wearer to experience the world through Gaudí’s imaginative lens. Anaya’s Homage to the Childlike Wonder of Creation “Gaudí's Reverie” delves deep into the childlike wonder and unbounded creativity that defined much of Gaudí’s work. This theme of exploration, where imagination reigns supreme, is infused throughout the collection. The silhouettes, much like the undulating forms of Gaudí’s architecture, are fluid, joyful, and uninhibited. From whimsical, voluminous gowns to structured yet flowing pieces, each design encourages the modern-day power woman to embrace her own sense of wonder and creativity. The collection also celebrates the vibrant energy of contemporary femininity. Designed for the woman who is both playful and powerful, these garments are more than just beautiful; they represent freedom, strength, and individuality. “Gaudí's Reverie” reminds us that fashion, much like architecture, can be a medium for storytelling, where garments transcend the material to evoke emotional and sensory experiences. An Unforgettable Experience at Dubai Fashion Week The debut of "Gaudí's Reverie" marked a standout moment at Dubai Fashion Week. The collection not only showcased Chathuri’s deep admiration for Gaudí’s work but also highlighted the designer’s extraordinary ability to translate architectural brilliance into couture fashion. The Anaya Collection’s presentation left the audience mesmerized, with each look a testament to the marriage of love and technique that Gaudí so championed. Opening Couture Day 3 on the 3rd of September, 2024, at 6 PM, Anaya Collection created an unforgettable fusion of fashion and architecture. The show was a true celebration of artistry, creativity, and the timeless beauty of Gaudí’s legacy. As attendees witnessed the collection's unveiling, they were invited to step into a world where the boundaries between fashion, architecture, and art dissolved, allowing love, imagination, and technique to reign supreme. SEARCH The Rich Heritage of Indian Handloom FASHION Fashion In The 19th Century FASHION Colour Psychology in Fashion: Explained FASHION The Influence Of Kanye West On Fashion FASHION K-Pop Fashion And Its Impact On Global Wardrobe FASHION POPULAR POSTS Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement By Anushka Sharma Dubai Fashion Week Day Five: Emerging Talents, Cultural Heritage, And Global Fashion Dialogues 14 September 2024 FASHION By Anushka Sharma Marina Ignjat: A Journey Through Style And Travel 13 September 2024 FASHION By Anushka Sharma Anaya Collection Unveils "Gaudí’s Reverie" At Dubai Fashion Week: A Fusion Of Love, Technique, And Playful Elegance 11 September 2024 FASHION By Anushka Sharma Hebajasmi Unveils Captivating New Collection For SS25: A Masterpiece Of Art And Fashion 10 September 2024 FASHION RELATED POSTS

  • The Fashion Journey Of Simran Khandelwal: A Blend Of Style And Grooves

    by Akshra Khandelwal The Fashion Journey Of Simran Khandelwal: A Blend Of Style And Grooves 28 August 2023 FASHION Advertisement In the world of Instagram, where style and creativity converge, Simran Khandelwal shines as a prominent fashion influencer. Her journey from a fashion enthusiast to an inspiration for thousands of followers is a tale worth telling. In an exclusive interview with our magazine, Simran shared her insights, dreams, and the milestones that led her to where she stands today. Simran Khandelwal'sKhandelwal's journey as an influencer started with a simple love for fashion, styling, and shopping for different clothes and brands. Putting together outfits for various events, parties, and social gatherings, she began sharing her looks on Instagram. Simran realized the vast potential of her creative pursuits as her followers grew. "I have always enjoyed experimenting with fashion and expressing myself through different styles. It's incredible how social media can open doors to unexpected opportunities," she said enthusiastically. While content creation on Instagram is her forte, dance holds a special place in Simran'sSimran's heart. She participated in dance competitions and won numerous trophies from an early age. She enrolled in the prestigious Terrence Lewis dance academy, where she honed her skills and eventually discovered her passion for belly dancing. "Dance has a way of bringing joy and freedom into my life. It'sIt's a form of expression that compliments my love for fashion, and I cherish every moment spent on the dance floor," she shared. Regarding her fashion must-haves, Simran believes that a good pair of shoes can make or break an outfit. ""Shoes are the foundation of any look. Whether casual or formal, the right pair of shoes can instantly elevate your style,"" she emphasized. And when it comes to timeless classics, Simran swears by the Little Black Dress (LBD). "The LBD is a versatile piece that never goes out of style. It'sIt's my go-to option when I want to look chic and elegant without much effort," she revealed. If she could have dinner with any fashion designer, living or dead, Simran would choose Zuhair Murad. The Lebanese designers' elegant and modern approach to styling has always fascinated her. "I remember being captivated by Zuhair Murad'sMurad's creations when I saw one of his gowns on the TV show Gossip Girl. That moment left a lasting impression on me, and I would love to meet the creative genius behind those mesmerizing designs," she gushed. Among the many cherished moments in her career, one stands out as the pinnacle of her fashion journey. At 16, Simran had the honor of being the showstopper for the renowned designer duo Jade by Monica and Karishma. She walked the ramp wearing their exquisitely customized lehenga. "It was a thrilling experience and a dream come true. Being part of such a prestigious fashion show at a young age has been a memorable milestone," she reminisced. Simran is an influencer and an inspiration to many young creators. Her advice to them is profound yet simple: "Remember that beauty is subjective. When you judge someone, you express yourself, but you don't don't define them. Embrace your uniqueness, stay true to yourself, and let your creativity shine through." Looking ahead, Simran'sSimran's goals are a blend of happiness, success, and inspiration. She aspires to lead a happy and fulfilling life while continuing to motivate others to be the best versions of themselves. On the professional front, she aims to expand her social media presence further and explore new opportunities in the modeling industry. "I want to use my platform to spread positivity and encourage people to embrace their individuality. The future holds endless possibilities, and I'mI'm excited to see where this journey takes me," she concluded with a confident smile. As we conclude our delightful conversation with Simran Khandelwal, we are left inspired by her passion for fashion, her love for dance, and her dedication to positively influencing others. Her journey is a beautiful blend of creativity and self-expression, and we can't wait to witness the magic she continues to create in fashion and beyond. In a world that often seems dominated by trends, Simran Khandelwal is a refreshing reminder that genuine passion, creativity, and kindness can make an influencer truly influential. So let's let's keep an eye on this rising star as she dazzles and dances her way into the hearts of many more followers in the days to come. SEARCH The Rich Heritage of Indian Handloom FASHION Fashion In The 19th Century FASHION Colour Psychology in Fashion: Explained FASHION The Influence Of Kanye West On Fashion FASHION K-Pop Fashion And Its Impact On Global Wardrobe FASHION POPULAR POSTS Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement By Anushka Sharma Dubai Fashion Week Day Five: Emerging Talents, Cultural Heritage, And Global Fashion Dialogues 14 September 2024 FASHION By Anushka Sharma Marina Ignjat: A Journey Through Style And Travel 13 September 2024 FASHION By Anushka Sharma Anaya Collection Unveils "Gaudí’s Reverie" At Dubai Fashion Week: A Fusion Of Love, Technique, And Playful Elegance 11 September 2024 FASHION By Anushka Sharma Hebajasmi Unveils Captivating New Collection For SS25: A Masterpiece Of Art And Fashion 10 September 2024 FASHION RELATED POSTS

  • Ritabhari Chakraborty talks about her adopted school, The Ideal School for the deaf

    by Aparajita Jaiswal Ritabhari Chakraborty talks about her adopted school, The Ideal School for the deaf 24 September 2022 COVER STORIES Advertisement The beautiful, smart and accomplished actress, Ritabhari Chakraborty, talks to Editor-in-chief, Aparajita Jaiswal in a freewheel chat about her latest film Fatafati, which is centred around body positivity. The actress excitedly exclaims that the film is in her mother tongue, Bengali. With the shooting wrapped up, the film is due to release in merely a few days, creating much anticipation in the minds of Ritabhari's adoring fans. The film is about a plus sized or rather a double XL model's journey and how she breaks the norms of “fashion” that we believe in; that women should have a certain kind of a body to be in fashion. The film talks about how girls should not measure their happiness and health by the stereotypical body shown in films. Ritabhari excitedly says, "this is the project that I'm currently looking forward to the most and want everybody to also look forward to with me." With an industry that is so unbelievably hard to make a mark in, each artist faces the trouble of understanding and bearing with the process. Ritabhari gives her perspective on the matter. "I think anyone who's starting off in the industry, in the film industry, the first thing you should know is acting. A lot of people think if you look good, if you're pretty, if you have a certain presence, that that's enough to become an actor. Trust me, that's absolutely not true! The first thing you need to know is how to act, second is you need to know that there are going to be days when you have no work and you have to be okay with it when you see your other friends, your colleagues people of your profession who are getting jobs when you're not as much patience is the key. You have to know in advance that there will be days when you just have to be patient and believe in yourself. "Thirdly, you have to carve your own path of whatever success means to you, whatever you are meant to do as an actor because every actor is different. Every personality is different. If you're aspiring to be Katrina Kaif, you cannot be Katrina Kaif because she is her. If you're aspiring to be Alia Bhatt, but you cannot be Alia because she is her. You have to aspire to be something that's original. That's the only way you can be seen and heard by people, because when they already have an Alia Bhatt who is so incredible, why would they want another one?," Ritabhari says correctly. Ritabhari played a woman priest in the film Brahma Janen Gopon Kommoti, a film that focused on menstruation and how when are not impure. "I think I get personally attached to all my roles. My last super hit film, Brahma Janen Gopon Kommoti, where I've played a women priest, broke so many norms as it spoke about menstruation and how women are not impure. The film broke such taboos, giving so many women the platform to become women priests. This is something that will always be very close to my heart, so I think I'm very attached to my character Shabari." Ritabhari talks about the challenges one might face in the industry, one of them being comparing yourself with others, their successes and their journey. "I think when everyone is doing so much that you tend to compare yourself and your journey to other people, and I really feel like that can be a real heartbreaker and a real problem in your way because your journey has to be yours. If you keep comparing yourself, you'll never be happy and you'll never be grateful for the work you are getting. Ritabhari is a riveting book enthusiast. Her inspiration spans from Indian and Loiuse Hay to Shonda Rhimes’ book “The year of yes" to Shonda Rhimes as a producer, writer and Oprah Winfrey but especially her mother. As an actress, she looks up to Deepika Padukone and Priyanka Chopra amongst many more. "Deepika Padukone is such a huge inspiration. Priyanka Chopra, the more you say, you still turn up short. Women in the business are surviving through this patriarchal and hard business. I get inspired by women every single day." Ritabhari Chakraborty adopted the Ideal school for the deaf when she was merely 16. She expresses how it has been a life changing journey as it keeps her grounded. Ritabhari strongly feels her purpose is more than being an actor and she feels proud to be the mother of 84 children. "When I was a kid, I realized that I can technically change the lives of these children and took it up and I'm so glad I did. This is one thing I'll always be proud of. More than how grateful they should be or they are of me, I am more grateful to be their parent, their foster guardian because being their foster guardian means that I get to make changes in the lives of all these kids. I get to see them grow up and become something of their own. And they're so alienated in the society deaf children are as they have the toughest time adjusting to the world and to people, everyone else. They made me one of their own and that makes my heart melts. I celebrate everything with them, all festivals, my birthday, all of it. This is a blessing; God blessed me in the biggest way possible." Ritabhari Chakraborty comments on body positivity and says one need not fret about their body type whether it is healthy or skinny. We should be proud of our bodies as its god given and hereditary as well. As she works for a school for the deaf, she realises just how important it is to have everything functioning just right. It is a miracle that we have bodies that breathe for us and function correctly. Looking at movie stars, magazine covers and celebrities makes us think that that is how we should look. She believes it is important to break that mentality. Additionally, Ritabhari sends her love to all her fans, "Thank you so much for loving me. Thank you so much for being part of my journey and the life I lead, what I do, my achievements, my failures, all of which I put in front of you and you get to see. One of the reasons I do not shy away from anything, whether it be posting about my health conditions or mental health issues on social media and talking about it openly in interviews is because I want you to know I’m a human. I'm flawed just like you and I'm perfect and amazing just like you. So if I can inspire even a small margin of people, women especially, to be themselves, work hard and achieve their dreams, I think that would mean a lot to me." Women in the business are surviving through this patriarchal and hard business. I get inspired by women every single day. 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  • The Luxurious Irresistibly Of Cashmere

    By Anushka Sharma The Luxurious Irresistibly Of Cashmere 22 February 2024 FASHION Advertisement Cashmere, a symbol of opulence and elegance, has been etched in the hearts of women since time immemorial. It has woven its way into the fashion industry and has become a staple in women’s wardrobes. However, did you know that there are concrete reasons for going absolutely gagas over this fiber, A woman’s treasured indulgence: Derived from the undercoat of cashmere goats, this fiber is extremely delicate and soft in nature. Adorning it feels like enveloping oneself in a cloud of luxury and indulgence, as it’s ideal for formal as well as casual occasions. The fascination with its unparalleled softness is why the world falls more in love with this delicate fiber everyday. Warmth without weight: This is the most remarkable quality of pashmina: it provides exceptional warmth without being of any weight. It is lightweight, yet insulating and helps trap heat to the body, which makes it particularly ideal for colder months. It’s all about cherishing oneself in the coziness of cashmere whilst maintaining a very stylish silhouette. The investment-worthy nature of cashmere: Considering cashmere’s value in terms of investment and longevity, it definitely makes sense to pay the price for it. It comes with ample durability and a sense of timeless appeal. When cared for nicely, cashmere garments can last for eons, thus retaining their luxurious feel and appearance. It’s all about a luxurious embrace: The world thrives on luxury and there’s nothing that makes one happier than timeless pieces in one’s wardrobe. Equipped with timeless elegance, exceptional warmth and enduring quality, cashmere is a person’s favourite, and shall always be a favourite. Hence, the next time you wrap yourself in a cashmere, you’re not just wearing a piece of clothing, but embracing a luxurious experience that has stood the test of time. Malo Cashmere is the epitome of Italian excellence in every shape and form. The company has pledged to shower its love for cashmere knitwear and plays with the finest yarns from around the world. Yarns like Vigogna, alpaca, baby llama, camel, mohair, silk and Makò cotton are artfully processed and curated into some of the most timeless pieces for your wardrobes. It’s all about the passion and a sense of retaining one’s tradition which has made it special in the hearts of the Italians, and the world at large! SEARCH The Rich Heritage of Indian Handloom FASHION Fashion In The 19th Century FASHION Colour Psychology in Fashion: Explained FASHION The Influence Of Kanye West On Fashion FASHION K-Pop Fashion And Its Impact On Global Wardrobe FASHION POPULAR POSTS Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement By Anushka Sharma Dubai Fashion Week Day Five: Emerging Talents, Cultural Heritage, And Global Fashion Dialogues 14 September 2024 FASHION By Anushka Sharma Marina Ignjat: A Journey Through Style And Travel 13 September 2024 FASHION By Anushka Sharma Anaya Collection Unveils "Gaudí’s Reverie" At Dubai Fashion Week: A Fusion Of Love, Technique, And Playful Elegance 11 September 2024 FASHION By Anushka Sharma Hebajasmi Unveils Captivating New Collection For SS25: A Masterpiece Of Art And Fashion 10 September 2024 FASHION RELATED POSTS

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